Forgive me Father, For I have Sinned

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"Father its... let me explain" I followed behind him begging for him to hear me out

"I've seen enough" my father scowled still refusing to face me

"I didn't want to believe you were capable of committing such a heinous act!" he shook his head rubbing his hands over his face " I can't believe this"

Atem stepped between me and my father

"I will not allow anything to happen to her" Atem spoke strong like a pharaoh should.

My father scoffed "Says the Great pharaoh who breaks the law? and sins against the gods?

You laid with another mans wife! and now you side with her killing the man? It is not your place your Highness. You are a poor excuse for a leader!" 

Atem turned to me he was holding back i knew he had much he wanted to say.

"Father no! Its not like that! Its not"

How did it come to this...

A few moments earlier

Atem and I had made love in my chambers before my father walked in on us. The Pharaoh was on me kissing me. There was no turning back now. My father stormed out as me and the Pharaoh struggled to get out clothing back on. 

Atem glared at my father"She is coming with me, she will be safe under my eye,....She wouldn't of committed this act if you hadn't pressured her into doing something so...selfish. Atem held my hand tightly.

My father laughed "Selfish? Ha! you've put our city in ruin Nekita" he shook his head 

"Go, Leave this place before I put you to death myself. you've destroyed any ounce of honor this house had left. this city will be in ruins"

"Father...I..your debts...the will be repaid I was promised"

My father glared at me "what more lies do you have Niketa? Please tell me more."

I bit my tong Feeling the tears Guilt and freedom came as one gift to me today.

"That's enough" Atem yelled "Pack your things, quickly" 

I nodded I grabbed small belongings my heart broke seeing my father in the state he was in. I knew he might never speak to me again...But I couldn't do this... I...didn't regret this...

I heard Silence in the common room I tried to speak again.

"father....I'm.." he held his hand up. "do not dare speak another word"

Atem grabbed my hand, "We must leave. now" 

I wondered what would become of my father...would he be living on the streets? Where was the riches Akefia promised me. Guilt stroke me, I wasn't going to win either way. We began to board the Pharaohs boat.  Quickly casting off from the docks. I watched my City slowly vanish in the distance.  Was this going to be...better? Atem started to brush his hands through my hair "Do not worry...I wont let anything happen...I will protect you"

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now