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The bed was cold and lonely again this morning.

I thought I'd be happier,here but...I wasn't.

I had been living at the palace for a few months now.

the rumors spread through Egypt like a wildfire causing disruption in some of the smaller cities. A talk of rebellion and public gossip on my relationship with the pharaoh had cause much concern to the people of Egypt. 

Though, Atem hadn't officially announced me becoming Queen of Egypt yet. His people had their assumptions. I knew Atem wanted to wait..maybe until things cool down..I wasnt sure. I began to confine myself to the palace completely as the whispering of servants and commoners started to get to me.

"She's a witch sent by the great evil Seth" they'd spit at the ground

"A serpent lusting after the hearts of men" they would sneer. I would never allow myself to cry in front of them. Their words cut to my core, Would it always be like this? would they always hate me..even as their queen? 

I spent much of my time in  Atem's Mothers Old lounging chambers which he so kindly gifted me.


"Come here" Atems playfulness made me blush he grabbed my face as i playfully pushed him away

"That's an order" he would say more sternly like a scolding father. I giggled. He placed a piece of fabric around my eyes "What are you doing?" I touched the soft cloth over my eyes I couldn't see a thing 

"What I am doing?"  his lips kiss my lower neck "Or want to be doing" he began to move towards my breast 

I grabbed his face before he moved lower "What you are doing my love" 

I heard a chuckle "Surprising you"

"I felt Atem gently grab my hand. He guided me out of our room, I wasn't sure where we were going. the walk was short.

"Here we are" I felt his hands grasp my shoulders pushing me in "Keep your eyes closed" whispered as he took my blindfold.

"Can I look now?" I yelled excitedly now. 

"Yes my love."

I Opened my eyes. The room was dazzling Light flushed through the room through the wicker Ceiling. The stone had freshly carved and painted images of women and the Nile.  I walked around investigating my new surroundings.  There was some lounge chairs, and a bed, fresh water flowed through a small fountain in the wall. I gently placed my hand in its basen. "This is Beautiful....what is this place?" 

Atem approached me "It was my mothers...a place she could come to relax." he smiled "only fitting for you to use it now"

A felt a stupid grin smeared on my face Atem wrapped his arms around my waist before touching noses "I love that smile" 


It was always lovely here today it smelled sweet as new flowers had been placed in pots.  I would relax in here constantly it was the only place I didn't feel cruelty or guilt.

There were few who were kind to me. A priest named Isis keeper of the millennium necklace, I had learned could predict the outcome of the future and feel the presence of good. She had come to like me. Though she'd rarely ever bring up what she saw when her necklace would glow she would always smile and tell me I was good for Atem.

Mahad, was another priest who was kind he was in charge of the royal guard, and holder of the millennium ring, It was able to locate the other millennium objects but more importantly sense the direction of danger. He had only spoken to me a few times but he was kind, he was extremely close to the pharaoh, almost like an older brother. His sister Mana I had come to adore. She was quite bold and clumsy but had a heart of gold, she was learning ancient magic after her brother. She had taken me under her wing when she realized I had little education. She began to teach me to read and write, and even some magic though it was nearly impossible for me. In Atem's presence everyone would act kind to me as not to alert the pharaoh of their opinions of me. It made me a very uneasy person uncertain of each person I came into contact with.

I rarely saw Atem lately. Only in the late evening when he came to bed, and sometimes in the morning. For weeks after my arrival we spent most the day together in the garden, or on the Nile. It was lovely. Seto finally had talked some "sense" into Atem as he said I was "too distracting" and he needed to take back his responsibilities of being king. Whatever the conversation was, it worked and now his presence he was kind and loving it was brief and quickly interrupted by his Priests or servants.

I was resided to my usual spot in my chambers soaking up some Light from Ra shining through the ceiling. Feeling the warmth on my face brought me a smile. I missed going to the gardens with Atem, visions of him kissing me kept my restlessness at ease. I heard a soft knock at the door before a clumsy loud "Oof" Mana fell onto the floor scrolls rolling everywhere. "Ah, I'm sorry!" She fumbled trying to pick up the scrolls "I meant to in here more respectively since I know you like your alone time" She laughed a sensed some sarcasm. "It's okay Mana, What can I do for you?"

Mana's eyes lit up "Well I figured we'd do a lesson! Atem has been asking me how your readings been!" she leaned over in my ear "I think he'll officially ask you to marry him once you get the basics down" I giggled "was that it?" Mana scratched her head "He also asked me how you were doing lately.." My face grew serious now. Hoping she hadnt told him anything of my feelings or interactions with the palace household. I didnt want to stress or worry about me. "Well I might of said something like you've been kinda sad" She pouted "He knows if I lie so...I tried to give as little information as possible"

"It's fine" I was at ease again hopefully he isn't too concerned. "What shall you be teaching me today?" Mana started ruffling through her scrolls "Ah Ha! This! It's a story!" she handed it to me it was very very old "I want you to be able to read this! To Atem! It would bring joy to his heart!"

I smiled and began to unravel it. I could read some of the words on the page

"Once Upon a time...there was a man."

"What is the story about?" I asked curiously Mana smiled "How atem's father and mother met."

I found it a long time ago in a chest. I hadn't found the right time to show it to him and I'm glad I waited for you to come along. She smiled I nodded "Thank you mana" She rushed to give me a big hug. She was my favorite person aside from Atem. She knew how to make me smile.

Mana and me spent a few hours going over letters, and words I felt pretty confident in myself I was able to read most of the stories on the walls. Scriptural writing was still difficult but I was starting to understand.

"So This is where you've been hiding I should of known" Me and Mana looked up to see Mahad

"Mahad! What are you doing here" Mana asked excitedly

"I'm actually here for Nekita, there's somethings the pharaoh would like to talk to you about" His tone more stern "You will be joining us for a council meeting"

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Mana blurted out covering her mouth "I didn't mean.."

"No..." I spoke softly now more worried. "You're right..are you sure?"

Mahad Nodded "We also have questions for you."

Mahads expression seemed to take notice over the fear that had paralyzed my face

"Nekita" he bent over to put his hand on my shoulder "Do not worry. As long as I and Atem are there no one will treat you poorly."

"Will Isis be there?" I perked up

"I'm-I'm not sure, she's been troubled by her millennium item lately" His eyes looked away for a moment before back at me "Shall we go Great Queen? Mahad smiled

I laughed a little embarrassed Mana hugged me "I will see you soon!"

Me and Mahad exited the bath house and headed down the long halls towards the throne room. 

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now