The Challenge

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Months had passed. 

I had come to my senses come to the realization my life was about to end. I had done my best to hold off the wedding. Hoping Atem would just show up and take me away. But Truthly the pharaoh had abandoned me, he gave up on his...infatuation of me, soiled me for his pleasure. He was clever, and manipulative but a man at that. Love did not drive him, Lust did. 

I was full of distant and full mistrust. I had come to hate my surroundings, my city, my father. I blamed them and everything else in my life. I was unsure whether I should be test the gods and try my chance in the underworld or continue through this...chaos.

I sat in my chambers Staring at myself brushing my hair slowly trying to see myself somewhere else. I felt abandoned and alone. I know my mother would of had advice for me. She too was given away, but she and my father were in love. and perhaps he thinks the same will happen to me and kissu. How wrong he was.

"Father I am going to take a walk" I tried to hide my emotionless tone.

"Oh? But shouldn't you be getting ready for the ceremony tomorrow? Kissu asked for you." he said excitedly "I am so proud of you daughter"

"Yes, I just need a short walk...please father" I need to clear my conscious. He told me once, and only once he did not want to hear or sense a betrayal of his orders. He wanted me to be happy. Or pretend to be. So he didn't have to put up with the bare fact his only daughter he gave away and he was the to blame for her suffering.

"For our cities own good" a conversation had been running through my head for months talking about family duties, and being a good child bearing mother. I didn't care about the city anymore, my father, nothing. I couldn't feel anything anymore just a hole.

I headed out towards the Nile, walking against the cool waters edge

The Nile always helped sooth me. I wondered if it would carry me away one day to the underworld if I let it.

I tried desperately to forget about Atem but my thoughts would carry me right back. I was mad at him, for telling me things that were now lies.

My feet now absorbing the soft current of the Nile I noticed a Figure across the river he presence was unsettling...

His hair was white as the moon A harsh scar showed across his eye. His eyes were a faint lavender. He just stood there watching me chuckling. His presences was truly sinister.

"Hello young... lady" I heard him speak 

I felt my my hair tingle on the back of my neck as I watched him slowly walk across the shallows of the water unnerved by dangerous that could be lurking there.

"Im in need of some...directions" 

"I can try to help Direct you..." I trembled. 

"Well that's a relief...because Im searching for someone"

I swallowed hard "who? would that be?" I didn't even want to ask this stranger, but something compelled me to.

"He goes by the name Kissu, I hear he is having an important event..... going on tomorrow"

I nodded "He's getting married tomorrow"

The strangers eyes narrowed a devilish smile flashed on his face 

"and thats why I have see....Kissu owes me a great deal of debt" 

I was becoming more unsettled where exactly was this person going with this

"he has not paid me back for that I've come to encourage him"

This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Debt? Black mail? what did he want with me?

"What do you want" I snapped 

"I Thought you'd never ask!" He let out a laugh that rocked me uneasy to the core "I can tell your heart isn't with Kissu, It's clear you'd like him....out of the way"

"What are you suggesting?" I was becoming defensive how did he know what I wanted.

"I'm just suggesting...a little thing called a shadow game"

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now