Safety ~Lemon~

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I sat in my chambers for hours before I decided to take a bath...I knew it would help the tension I felt.

After asking permission from atems guards my servants were able to ready my bath, once my servants to left i started to feel better I needed to be alone. I needed to think. What was to be come of me.

I undressed and soaked into the warm waters, soothing my body, I felt my nerves rush from me.

I leaned back and closed my eyes,

I imagined Atems lips on mine, him moving inside of me I bit my lip with the thoughts. It had been so long since I had seen him before today. I opened my eyes.

 There he was

Atem looking over me in the bath...again

I smiled widely happy to see him"Interrupting a lady in her private bath?"

Atem smirked "I apologize, for my inappropriate...actions"

He pulled my head back gently and kissed me parting my lips

"I am sorry to of locked you up in here....I got you something"

He poured something into the bath gently stirring it with his hand, This will help you...relax

I felt a heavy and calm now with him near by like all my fears were melting.

"Atem... What...will be done?" i whispered

Atem smiled lightly "Shh, I will protect you. no one will know but I."

 "Atem...I crave you..." I whispered I felt my emotions taking control again...

"Is that so?" his voice got low and quiet

"I nodded" I got out of the tub revealing my body to him

He gently traced his hands over me holding my breasts in his hands

I kissed his neck sucking and nibbling on it

Atem let out a soft groan "my love if you continue this..." I gently pushed him against my bed "there will surely be trouble" His eye smiled

I began to kiss him more before straddling him I felt his hands on my hips "I want this" I whispered into his ear before kissing down his neck

"I need you, I need you now" he mumbled

I remove his clothing,  his member hard and ready. More intimidating now I had a clearer view.

I climbed down and began to stroke his shaft, gently addressing the tip. Kissing it

Atem placed his hand behind my head "stop teasing me beloved" he pleaded

I placed my lips over his head and he began to guide my head up and down I heard him let out a soft moan he guided my head faster causing me to gag before pulling my head off

"Beloved look what do you do to me..I'm weak in your presence" he pushed me back on the bed before positioning himself

He gently pressed against my soft flower I let out a soft cry as he began to nibble on my nipples, messaging my other breast. I moaned again as he pressed in more. He than began to move more assertively hitting my core.

"Beloved, I want to make you scream" he said pulling me in further causing my back to arch I moaned louder "I'm going to explode" I felt my insides crawling "Cum for me" he whispered before plowing his member in and out deeper and deeper  I let out a scream before feeling that sweet release I craved.

He moaned as your walls gripped around him tighter making it hard for him to move further before pressing your walls apart with a hard thrust. you felt his milk inside of you warm and lovely he collapsed.


" I love you, I think I love you" he panted

Authors Note: Lemon for days....Lemon for nights...More lemons to come.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now