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"So why all the sudden the guardians agreed to have me come into a meeting?

Mahad and I walked towards the throne room. Before mahad stopped me for a moment something was troubling him.

"Nekita..." No matter what I will side with you. I see how Atem looks at you...How he talks about you. I see you as being a great just need to prove yourself" His smile was reassuring "So...what is this meeting about?" Mahads smile disappeared "Lets go.. We shall explain once we arrive"

I slowly walked in front of Mahad carrying myself gracefully as I could. My eyes focusing on my seat next to the throne. No words passed between anyone's lips ass I passed the 5 priests. I didn't see isis a face i was hoping would help calm my nerves. All their eyes were on me i felt a darkness a sense of suspicion coming from them. I noticed Atem was not there yet. I became worried where could he be? If not here...

I took my seat.

It was Seto who Approached the throne "Niketa of Khem" He pointed his rod at me "You are here by sentenced to a Millennium trial for committing an acts against the gods and men"

My eyes flashed open. "A Millennium trial?" I looked at  Mahad. What is going on? Mahad couldn't look at me...only the floor. He knew about this? Did Atem?"

"Wh-What action have I committed to receive such a trial" I defended myself.

Seto's eyes narrowed "For consummating before marriage, and committing treason to your own city not and above all Playing a shadow game resulting in Death!"

"Treason?! murder??" I was now on the edge of my seat. How did he..know all of this. "You're being ridicules! This is absurd!"

Seto glared at me before turning to the guardians

"Is it not treason to go against your duty to your city? You a engaged women?"

The rest of the priests nodded

They were just going to let this happen? I thought.

"Mahad!?" I directed my attention to "Do you agree with this?"

Mahad finally shook his head "I do not..but it is not I who you have to prove yourself to, and ask forgiveness for your sins"

I swallowed hard My fists clenched "And Pharaoh Atem? Is he aware of what you have planned placing me on trial without his presence?"

Setos voice shook as he turned to me his rod glowing "We are here in the name of the pharaoh. To protect him is our life. You are a threat! he does not think clearly in your presence"

I couldn't believe it. This was what Atem was worried about, I knew that seto wasn't going to listen to him so easily. But now I knew the extent of trouble I was in. I felt defeated It was true...I had committed such acts...I had go against the gods and the law of Ma'at. Seto....was right..

I felt pale, and weak. I slowly stood up

"I...understand" my voice trembled I couldn't look at them in the eyes anymore. 

So many thoughts of guilt filled my head. All I wanted....was control of my own life. To love and do what I wanted. 

Seto placed down his rod.

"Shada. Lets begin the trial"

I stepped down the throne guards took my arms before pushing me to my knees.

I hadn't met shada yet, He was the holder of the millennium Key his eyes seemed sad, but concerned.

He hesitated "Seto...I Dont-"

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now