The Goodbye

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"Were you expecting him?" He growled under his breath

"What did he do to you?!" atem finally yelled

I jumped he temper was unexpected "He just knocked me down I'm okay really" I gave him a light heart smile. that was half the truth.

Atem marched up to the bed and look at my ankle and arm

He snapped his fingers the doctor came in Atem sat on the chair in the corner of the room his leg tapping with anticipation

He was truly a sight to see when he was like this my injuries weren't life ending...but he was treating as so.

His eyes were bloodshot, his leg twitching his hands clasped together to keep them from being balls of fists he was defiantly not the composed pharaoh I had seen earlier.

"Well Doctor??" I heard him ask impatiently

The doctor examined my body "Ah, just a small ache, and bruise she will be just fine tomorrow" he looked over to me "keep the mint on over night to help the swelling and drink plenty of water" 

The pharaoh waved him out of the room

The doctor bowed

Atem came closer to the bed before siting down besides me

"Bastard" he scoffed

"Its okay, Atem i'm really fine hes done worst" a sentence caught in my throat.

Atems eyes flew open more enraged "Worst?!...and you are just going to accept it?"

I winced from his tone I shouldn't of said that I thought I nodded "yes, for my father...and my city....negation between cities, remember? it is my duty as a daughter to-"

Atem snapped "Do not... give me formalities. I know the laws and negotiations."

I grew silent. I felt guilty I felt like I was betraying him...

I heard Atem let out a long sigh "And I do not will it. He placed his hands on you...and should be put to death"

I looked at Atem his eyes now focused on the door

His thoughts took over as he grew silent

"....Atem?" I touched my forehead. Oh Ra, what have I done..This wouldnt of happened if...


I took atems hand to my face taking a deep breath

"Please stay with me...for this one last night....I want to cherish the time I have with you"

Atem wrapped his arms around me

"O my beloved,... you are so strong," I heard the hurt in his voice. It was like he felt responsible for my fate. I wasn't sure what he was able to do. Even if he is pharaoh this was between two cities trade things that people like my father handle not the pharaoh...

We laid in stillness lost in thoughts thinking of what to do. I moved my head on Atems chest he willing accepted embracing me.

"Atem.. I wish things were different...I do" I had sadness caught in my throat.

Atem kissed me "Yes...I do as well.....I would do anything" he held my face

 "but how Atem? These negations are between cities not kingdoms. You'd have to convince both parties..."

Atem sighed "I'm aware...Let me think" hearing stress in his voice made me feel guilty again.

I slowly started to drift to sleep, feeling his light breath on my hair letting my dreams of us carry me.

I awoke alone, the sheets were cool, my things were packed.

My stomach officially gave way I puked over the side of the bed all the nerves and stress had gotten to me. I wiped my mouth. "Ack.."

This was happening. whether I wanted it to or not. Where was atem..would he say goodbye? Did he really mean what he said last night?

I stood up my ankle sore but not so painful I heard a small knock a servant walked in

"My lady I am here to check on you to see if you are ready to take leave"

I nodded "Yes,... Also I apologize I've made a mess" I pointed to the mess beside the bed

The servant shook her head "My lady you've been kind do not worry about such things"

The servant helped me get dressed for my long travel I felt a sense of  absolute sadness come over me like an eclipse over Ra, The sun was lost.

I walked down the long halls once again, peaceful. Oh how longed to stay. The linens blowing, the cool stone the business of servants, the smell of fresh bread. This would be the place I would keep my most fondest memory.

My father and kissu were just outside the palace gates

"Has the pharaoh said goodbye?" I asked

Kissu and father nodded "Yes he saw us out"

"Oh..." Perhaps he realized he was in over his head to pursue this. maybe he felt guilt like I did.

Both of them shrugged at me

Kissu kissed my hand "Come on sweet. lets get home we have much to plan."

We walked outside the gates headed towards the dock I turned around to get once last look at the palace there on the great balcony was the pharaoh. Fists clenched, and pain in his eyes...he watched until neither of us could see each other the palace grew smaller, I turned back around looking into the eyes of my captors. I hid my tears. I had to be strong now.


I cant help to think I might love you atem...

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now