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My head throbbed..I looked up to see my father in the doorway

"Ah...your..up" his voice shallow

"Father?" His tone was off...

"Kissu....was found dead this morning" my fathers voice trailed off

My mouth dropped "He's dead?

My father nodded slowly "It appears he was....assassinated I don't know many details yet" 

"we do have a visitor arriving soon" he said quietly

"Who?" I really didn't want to deal with anymore surprises and weird games and creepy evil kings.

my fathers eyes had a sense of serious behind it i tone of disappointment and relief

"What? who is coming?" I whispered 

"The Pharaoh" He whispered 

"The pharaoh is coming here? but why?" 

My father looked uneasy "an investigation must be done...there are rumors talks of shadow games"

"what kind of rumors?" I demanded to know, "What is going on?"

"There is suspicion that you have committed this were the last one to see him before he left last night...but.."

"left last night? what?" I was so confused my heart sank..did I...really kill him?

My father shook his head "Oh...daughter, you have much trouble" he left me in my room to fend off my own thoughts and questions. 

My head was pounding "what have I done.." the guardians and the pharaoh would surely know if a shadow game was played. I heard about the magical millennium items and there powers...I just hope...I put my hand to my face.

"oh how....Ive missed you" 

I looked up to Atem was standing in my door way. his gaze...was suspicious and focused.


"Hello my beloved.." his hands clasped in mine as He kissed my neck gently before pausing over my lips.

"What were you thinking...." he spoke with concerned his hands now rubbing my arm

How did he...its like he read my thoughts....does he know...the full?

I closed my eyes tears beginning to sting"...its death either way, I can't do this... " I looked up to the ceiling "you abandoned me.." I moved my arm away from his embrace "What are you doing here? What do you want"

Atem's Eyes widened "I did not abandon you...haven't you received any of my letters?"

"Letters?..." I rubbed my forehead "my father.." My heartache. what a mess... what more  did my father know? I wondered.

Atem let out a soft sigh stroking my cheek "It will be alright.." 

I clenched my fists "How? tell me how everything is going to be alright? just to show up here...and say..whatever you want to me?" I yelled. This was too much I hadn't been in so much Pain in my entire life, I felt so much emotional pain. I collapsed in Atems arms in agony. Atem climbed up into the bed to better embrace me. I clutched to his chest crying more then I've cried before. 

"What...have I done...Whats...going to happen" Atem rubbed my head. Twirling pieces of my hair in his fingers I could tell he was thinking...he was lost in his thoughts...I wondered what he thought of me now. 

"Come. live with me,  I will keep you away from this mess....and the guardians..." he kissed me again "I wish it was I who put and end to that bastard...I am sorry I did not come sooner..." I laid still....he wasnt mad? he didnt think less of me...

I sat up and looked at atem

"There's need to know...." I spoke under my breath "It...was...a shadow game.." Atem's eyes grew wide "A shadow game?! are you mad? how? how did you?" he shook his head "Never mind...I..." he seemed stressed now.."you must never speak of this again" he firmly grabbed me " you understand me?" I nodded

Atem rubbed his face "What a mess..." he stared at the ground 

Atem stood up "I must leave...and deal with...this, stay not speak to anyone you understand me?"


Atem nodded at the guards outside my door

"you are to remain here until I come...." he closed the door.

What? im under house arrest?! I felt cold. I would surely be put to death...if anyone finds out.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now