Lonely living room

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You stand in the kitchen, still in awe of the kiss you just had. You pour out a drink for you and Al and walk back into the living room, to Al sat on the sofa. He had pulled out his guitar and was strumming a familiar tune whilst he quietly hummed along. He looks up at you with a side smile on his face. You smile back and hand him the drink. He takes it off you and takes a tiny sip, before putting it down on the coffee table and starts playing again.

You sit beside him, with your legs crossed, staring at his concentrated face.

"So you just expected you could show up at my house then?" you say, joking. You were happy he showed up.

He glanced up from his guitar and smiled slightly.

"I were thinking of you all day" he admits quietly.

You blush, not knowing what to say back. Instead you give him a kiss on the cheek.

He stops playing and looks at you, with a sad look to his face.

"I bumped in to Ryan" he says.

"Oh.." you say, worried about what he'll say next.

"Why did you break it off with him?" he asks, putting his guitar down and facing you fully.

"I..don't really know" you say slowly. Alex looks disappointed and faces away from you.

"Oh, right," he says to the floor. You guessed he would of wanted more of a romanticised answer, like

"Because I wanted you instead" or something. Of course you left Ryan because you loved Alex, but you were too awkward to say anything at this point, you were too nervous to admit you still loved him, even being in the same room with him made you nervous.

Alex picks up his guitar and starts strumming again.

You're unsure to where this night was going, as Alex seemed more focused on his guitar than he was of you.

You sigh sadly, and rest back into the sofa. Alex stops strumming and looks at you with concern.

"What's wrong, love?" he asks sweetly, putting his guitar down and his hand on your cheek.

"I was looking forward to seeing you" you say again with another sigh.

"You didn't even know I was coming," he says, half smiling.

"Oh please, you were obviously going to come round. You can't resist." you joke, cheering up a little.

"True" he smirks, taking his hand off your cheek and picking up his drink.

"What's up?" he asks again,

"Nothing, I just expected you to be happy to see me or something." you say, suddenly feeling selfish as Alex had already proved that he was still madly in love with you and you couldn't even admit you loved him back.

"I'm over the moon to see you, Darcy" he croaks sadly. You feel guilty and pull him into a hug, his chin resting on your shoulder.

"I know, sorry" you whisper. He hugs you back, digging his chin into your shoulder.

"I love you," he says extremely quietly, obviously not meant for you to hear.

"I love you too" you say at the same volume, you couldn't tell if he heard or not, but he hugged you tight anyway.

After some talking about music he suddenly asks

"How'd he take it?"

"What are you on about?" you ask him.

"Ryan. How'd he take you breaking his heart?" he says, sounding happy that you had done so.

"He was kind of off with me," you say, looking to the floor.

"Was he a dick to you?" he asks, suddenly sounding protective.

"Kind of, I didn't even tell him we were breaking up, he just guessed. He stormed out, I didn't know what was up with him. But to be fair, he had a right to be upset, I was breaking up with him, of course he isn't going to be all happy about it"

"Wait, were you dating him, like was he your boyfriend?" Alex asks, sounding upset.

"Well, I guess so.." you say slowly.

"Darcy, you know that night that I stayed here? Last night?" he says, slowly and calmly.

Oh god.


"You hadn't ended it with him had you?" he says. Tears started forming in his eyes.

"You fucking little hypocrite," he shouts, picking up his guitar and rushing out the flat.

"Al! You know that it was completely different! We were serious for fucks sake! You just walked back into my life, what the fuck do you expect!" you scream after him, tears were now forming in your eyes. You slam the door and collapse on the sofa, his scent still present in your lonely living room.

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