"What's up Al?" you sigh, trying not to look into Alex's pretty brown eyes.
"I really miss you,Darcy. You don't even know the whole story. I was pissed off my head," he paused.
"Is that really a fucking excuse Al? Seriously? Do you have any idea what you put me through?" you hiss, then your eyes started to prickle with tears. You start getting angry because you don't want to look weak in front of him, you want to look like you don't care about him, like you've moved on, but it's so hard when the love of your life wants you back and you have to say no because you know whats best for you.
"Darcy don't cry,baby. Please don't cry, you'll make me cry. I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did it." Alex whispered. He put his head in his hands.
He was making it so hard, it took everything in you to not kiss him right then and there, you wanted him and he wanted you but it just couldn't happen, you wouldn't let it.
"I-I'm sorry A-Alex." you whimpered trying not to cry. You felt like such a baby. Hadn't you spent enough days crying over this boy? You stood up, grabbed your denim jacket and walked out the coffee shop.
Alex removed his head from his hands and started shaking his head.
As you walk down the street, back to your flat, your eyes start watering up again.
"Stop it" you whisper angrily at yourself, causing an old man to give you a weird look.
Finally you arrive at your flat building, you climb up the nine flights of stairs to your place. When you finally get inside you collapse on the couch and start crying your eyes out. After about ten minutes of sobbing,you rub your now swollen eyes and turn the shower on. You climb into the shower, and you stand there for a couple of minutes before you start actually washing your hair.
After the shower, you feel a little better, you put on a oversized tshirt and pour a glass of wine for yourself. Suddenly, your phone vibrates. It was a message from Ryan, you take a sip of wine and pick up your phone.
"Fuck, can I be arsed with a night out tonight?" you ask yourself. Your eyes were still swollen from crying and you felt like shit,to be honest.
You called up Ryan and told him you felt ill and couldn't go out tonight with him. He sounded disappointed but at this point you didn't even care. All you wanted right now was Alex, and you couldn't even have that.