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You wake up to the sound of Alex on the phone, he is wandering around the room in his boxers with a happy look on his face.

"You're kidding,mate?!" he exclaims to someone down his geeky flip phone. He sees you have woken up and gives you a thumbs up sign. You were really confused to whether you and Alex were a thing now, but you didn't want to make anything awkward by asking.

"Oh man, I'll be over soon" he says down the phone. He hangs up his phone and jumps on the bed cuddling you tight.

"Ow, Al you're squishing me," you say, your face pressed up to his chest uncomfortably. He releases you, allowing you to breath again.

"Who was on the phone?" you ask, sitting up and crossing your legs on the bed.

"Matt! We got a gig!" he says, jumping on the bed like a child.

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" you exclaim. He falls over, and lands on the bed. He scoots over and lays his head on your stomach, with a massive grin on his face. You mess with his fluffy hair whilst you question him.

"When is the gig?" you ask him,

"Tomorrow night." he says,

He pauses and sits up, he looks you in your eyes.

"Hey, will you come? I'm kinda nervous," he admits, his bottom lip resting over his top lip.

You cup his face with your hands,

"Of course I will," you say, giving him a small kiss on the lips. He smiles, kisses your cheek and runs to the bathroom to take a shower.


You had stayed at Alex's the night before the gig, he hadn't slept much. He woke up at around 11.

"Ah, you've finally woke up then," you say, turning to him and kissing him. You only intended for it to be a quick kiss but he holds your face and kisses you for a couple of minutes. After the kiss, he puts his arm around your waist sleepily.

"I'm glad you're coming" he whispers,

"Are you nervous?" you ask. He bites his lip.

"A bit, yeah." he says,

"What if I fuck up?" he says, he looks at you with sad eyes.

"You won't," you say. You edge closer to him and kiss him on the nose. He smiles and pull the covers over your bare shoulders.

"It always seems to be cold in my house," he says, rolling over to face the ceiling. You rest your head on his chest and listen to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat.

After about 20 sleepy minutes, Alex finally slips out of bed to go and get ready. You sigh and stick your bottom lip at him, because you missed his presence next to you. He smiles at you sleepily and pulls a tshirt from his wardrobe out, he puts it on quickly.

"The gig starts at seven tonight," he says, fiddling with the gold chain round his neck. You could tell he was really nervous.

"Can I take you to get lunch?" he asks,

"When you're ready, like," he adds. You smile at him.

"Yeah, sure." you say, jumping out of bed. As you walk past him you kiss his soft cheek and go and get changed.

"Oh yeah, Darcy?" he calls through to you.

"What?" you call back.

"We have to meet the boys later on," he shouts.

"Okay, cool. How are they?" you ask.

"Average," he says,

When you finish getting changed, you wander in Alex's living room to find Al sat on the couch, biting his nails. You go and sit next to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Al, for the millionth time you'll be amazing" you say.

He smiles sweetly at you, and kisses your nose.

"Lunch?" he asks, springing up from the coach and grabbing one of his jackets from the back of one of the dining room chairs and throwing it at you.

"Put this on, it's cold outside." he says, grabbing an Adidas jumper and throwing it on.

You put the jacket on and frown in the mirror. It was slightly bigger on you, and it made you look a bit chunky.

"I look fat," you exclaim. Alex looks at you with shock.

"You look cute," he says, coming over to hug you. He kisses the top of your head.

"Where do you want to go for lunch?" he asks you,

"It's up to you," you say, shrugging.

"Okay, I know this nice pub place..if you want?" he says, almost nervous.

"Yeah, sure."

He grabs your hand and you both leave his small house.

He puts his arm around you when you get outside, in attempt to keep you warm.

After lunch he tells you that he promised Matt he'd meet up with him, so you make your way to Matt's house.

"Does he know..uh...that we'" you struggle. Alex smiles at you.

"Back together?" he asks, stopping in his tracks to look at you. You nod, and he carries on walking with you in his arm.

"No, he doesn't. For all he knows you're a cheating, lying, bitch."

You glare at him. He laughs and kisses your cheek.

"Not funny," you say, looking to the floor. He reaches for your hand, giving it a squeeze.

Suddenly you arrive at Matt's place, a small house located in the middle of High Green.

You were nervous, as you hadn't seen Matt in ages. Matt was a great guy, who used to be your best friend.

"Are you nervous, babe?" Alex asks, standing at the doorway of Matt's house. You shake your head, but he kisses you anyway.

He knocks on the door and you can hear the fumbling of keys.


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