Sleeping beauty

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You wake up the next morning, still in Alex's warm embrace. You look up at him, he's still asleep. His eyes are closed, but still purple. His lips had become less puffy overnight, and his head looked a little better. You can't resist kissing him, as his little morning face is adorable. He wakes up to the touch of your lips, as if he was sleeping beauty. He smiles, but it soon turns to a frown.

"Oh, God. I'm leaving tomorrow," he says.

"Yeah," you say, because that's all you can think to say. He sits up, and kisses you.

"Ow,ow" he whispers, ending the kiss, which is a shame because it seemed like he was going for a nice, long kiss. You sigh and slip out of bed. You have no idea what the plan was when Alex left you, what the fuck would you do with yourself? You had nobody. You go into the kitchen and pour out some cereal, and go to sit down on the dining room table. You hadn't been to your flat in about a week.

A half an hour later, Alex comes out the bedroom with washed hair and clean clothes on.

"You showered like yesterday, babe?" you say to him. "It'll damage your hair," you nag.

"I needed to get the blood out my hair," he says shamefully.

"Aw, my poor thing," you say sympathetically.

"Yeah, y'know it still really hurts?" he says, taking advantage of all the attention.

"Oh no, poor baby" you say. He nods, with his bottom lip sticking out.

"Kiss me better?" he says with a big smirk on his face. You laugh and give him a big wet kiss on his cheek, although his cheek wasn't the thing hurting. You try to walk away, but he grabs your hand and pulls you back into his chest into a big cuddly bear hug, his chin resting comfortably on the top of your head.

"I'll miss you," he whispers, you weren't sure if you were meant to hear it but you say "I'll miss you more" anyway.

"You know what we are gonna do today?" he says. You shake your head at him.

"No, I don't. What are we gonna do today, Al?"

"Well first off I'm bloody starving, so I'm ordering pizza for lunch. Then, later I'm gonna take you out to this proper romantic meal, yeah?" he asks. You smile gratefully, before nodding.

"Love you" he mumbles, walking off to go and get a drink from the kitchen. Suddenly, his phone starts ringing from his back pocket. It makes him jump slightly, increasing his adorableness. He takes his lame flip phone out of his pocket and answers it gingerly.

"Ehh, hello?" he says to the phone. "Oh, hiya mum," "yes" "thanks," "I'll miss you too, mum," "around three? Sure, okay," he hangs up.

"Was it your Mum? Is she coming over" you ask.

"Yeah, if that's okay? She wants to see me before I leave..y'know," he says, his voice fading at the end of the sentence.

"Right, yeah. Before you leave," you repeat. He looks at you with sad eyes, and sighs a big sigh.

"She'll be here around three," he says.

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