You walk into Alex's hospital room, a little saddened that you have to be without him yet again. When you walk in, he smiles slightly.
"Hi," he says.
"Hi, uh, me and Matt and everyone are going to stay in a hotel tonight then come get you in the morning,"
Alex nods.
"Oh, okay. That's cool." he says. There is a small pause. You had no idea what else to say, and you didn't know why.
"I can tell you worry a lot," Alex says, filling the silence. You go and sit by the bed.
"Oh yeah?" you grin "Whys that?"
"Your face says it all. When you're nervous you always, like, bite your lip. Also, you bite your nails which is why they're short as fuck" he chuckles, picking up your hand and waggling it around. "And when you're concentrated," he carries on, slower now, "you always push your hair out of your face, as if it's going to distract you. And if you're sat down you pull your legs up and embrace them." he says, staring at you. He stays staring into your eyes for a moment, as if it was a game; whoever looks away looses. You eventually give up and look to the floor.
"I think I better go," you say, patting his hand gently. He sighs.
"You always do that," he mutters.
"No, you always do that," you say, annoyed.
"Hey," he says, sensing your sudden anger. He pulls you down so you're really close to his face.
"I'm sorry for leaving you," he says. You stare at his chapped, purple lips. You lean in and kiss them, making him wince at first but then gradually all the pain slips away.
"See you later" you say, standing up and walking to the door.
"In a while crocodile," he says, bursting out laughing. You roll your eyes and chuckle along at his childishness. You blow him a kiss and he mines catching it before you rush to reception to meet Matt.