Soggy shirts

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"Okay," you finally say. "When do you leave?" you ask. He leans in and kisses you slowly, making it harder and harder to accept him leaving.

"I'm gonna miss your lips," he says, sadly.

He pulls you onto his lap and starts playing with your messy hair. You pull your legs up, so your chin can rest on them and he wraps his arms around you, rocking you slightly as if you were a baby.

"We leave in a week," he finally answers.

"A week?!" you say, tears start forming in your eyes and Alex notices.

"You can cry on me shirt, I don't mind." he mumbles.

You start sobbing into his shirt whilst he pats you on the back, still rocking you.

"You could come visit," he says, "we would come down here but the gigs are mainly in America. Apparently one of our songs got leaked and people of America like us, I guess" he says.

"Alex, I hardly have enough money to feed myself, never mind fly over to America"

He sighs.

"I'm sorry i threw a bunch of stuff at you," you whisper.

"I deserved it," he says,

"No you didn't,"

"I'm gonna make this week best week of your life, okay?" he says, his eyes were swollen and soggy.

"Alright," you say.

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