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"Is he okay, Doctor?" you say, following him down the squeaky Hospital corridor.

"Yes, we haven't seen any long term damage on his head so we think hes alright to come home." he says. You sigh with relief. The doctor approaches Alex's room and puts his finger to his lips.

"He didn't sleep well last night, he was missing you a lot. But he's asleep now," he whispers. Your heart flutters at the peaceful Alex lay in the hospital bed, slightly snoring.

"We'll wait in reception" Matt whispers, patting your shoulder. The doctor leaves too. You quietly pad over to the chair next to the bed and sit down. You watch him for a while, as creepy as it is. You love listening to his soft and steady breathing. You make a slight noise with your foot accidentally, making him stir in his sleep. He opens one eye, sleepily. He then gasps, like a child seeing his presents on Christmas Day for the first time.

"Hi," he mumbles, still sleepy. He sighs a sigh of relief and comfort. "Fuck, I'm so happy you're here," he whispers, sitting up to kiss you. He pulls you in before you can say anything, smiling into your mouth. After, he collapses back into the bed, exhausted.

"I'm so glad you're okay," you whimper, struggling not to cry. You had truly thought he was going to die. You being weeping like a little baby and his eyes widen, shocked.

"Hey, hey" he whispers, sitting up again. He winces a little, but tugs your hand to gesture you getting into the bed. It was a tiny bed, so you could barely fit but you squished in all the same. He pulls the covers over you, obviously uncomfortable and squashed. He puts his good arm around you, and hugs you tightly to his chest. "Please don't cry," he says, innocently, which makes you cry more at his sweetness. He should be the one crying, but you can't stop. You feel pathetic after a while, so you eventually stop. You get out the bed, fixing your crumpled outfit. Alex's eyes follow you, staring at you as if you were the most precious thing on the universe.

"Did you sleep okay?" he finally asks, sat up in bed.

"Eh," you reply. "I was a little bit shook up," you admit.

"So was I," he chuckles slightly, although it wasn't that funny.

"Should I go get the Doctor? So we can get you out of here?" you ask, smiling.

He nods. "Please"

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