The heist

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KID took the steps up the staircase with ease, merely hearing the exhausted panting of the task force behind him. He needed more time, he wanted to examine the jewel. In an elegant movement he hit his heels together, rolls jumping with a loud satisfying click out of his shoes.

On their own, these special shoes catapulted Kaito upwards in an even faster manner. His cape fluttered behind him, he never lost his proud posture in his escape.

Quickly breaking the lock with a mere kick of his, Kaito entered the roof and closed the door right behind himself. For this special occasion he took a broom along, having it placed below the handle blocked any uninvited fellas out.

Kaito exhaled in satisfy, he did it, the diamond sparkled as marvellous as ever inside his white gloves. The cool nightair made him shiver as he closed in towards the edge, should he enjoy the calm atmosphere a little longer? No, he thought, it wasn't the right moment for such things when the task force was right at his heel.

He raised his hand, examining the bright diamond inside the silverish moonlight which illuminated the place of act. Another disappointment...

"And again not the right one..."

For a short time Kaito played with the thought of waiting for Kudo Shinichi to show up again out of nowhere and handing him the jewel with another cheeky remark yet threw it away again as he heard loud voices and commotion coming from the entrance.

Click, his coat formed into his beloved hangglider. He pushed the jewel into one of his secret pockets and nearly startled one of his doves, causing Kaito to giggle as he jumped down the skyscraper.


He fell for only a short while as the hangglider caught him and he raised high above the crowds of cheering fans. His indigo eyes beamed with joy, even when perfectly hidden through his top hat and monocle.

Bright lights of the city below him greeted the phantom thief as he flew, disappearing between various other buildings before the task force could open the heavy door. It was fairly easy for him today.

"Geesh... It would he more fun if they would put up a better fight. That was too easy..."

He shook his head as he slowly directed his glider towards a dark side street he chose beforehand to land in.

His feet smoothly touched the ground and the gadget disappeared again, his white coat settling down. Kaito looked around in a curious manner, somewhere here he stored his spare clothes.

"Lets see... Trash containers on the left, a few normal trash cans on the right... one small lantern at the end and other than that just dirt. Ah! Over there."

He approached a small plastic bag, filled with his black pullover, some jeans and a baseball cap he kept for emergency or to tarn himself. But as he bent down to pick it up, something hard hit the back of his head and Kaito slumped down onto the ground, holding his head with a pained hiss.

"W-what on earth...?!"

His vision became blurry, black spots appeared in his eyesight. Black shoes stepped in front of his face, he recognized the brand immediately.

"This was the last time you interfere with our plans, Kaito KID."

And finally, the phantom thief passed out.

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