The Last Connection Falls

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Kaito's POV

I got used pretty fast to the new and difficult circumstances. It was easy to get onto food with my magic skills and I used money I earned with small performances on the street for the bird seeds.
For daily things such as hygiene I broke into houses when I figured nobody was home and washed myself, brushed my teeth and so on.

Slowly and bit by bit I began to turn the shed into my personal home. I bought a pillow for myself, crafted out of branches and bits of grass small nests for my little family and continued to train my skills.
As a child my muscles vanished as well and thus I had to relearn my physical activities. To be honest, it was a pain in the ass. With these small legs I wasn't half as fast as I used to be, not even speaking about the loss of my hangglider I couldn't use anymore thanks to my weight.
I simply was too light.

"Why didn't you leave yet? You keep staying with troublesome me no matter what huh?"
I looked up, to see one of my dozen doves resting on my head as I kept feeding them. It was a procedure I was used to, it became routine for me and each day a different dove would sit on my messy hair.
A childish giggle escaped my mouth as one landed on my right shoulder, showing its affection with a small nib on my earlobe.

I still haven't heard of my mom but it didn't surprise me at all. She was a good and sweet person and yet... I didn't remember the last time I saw her in person. But I didn't blame her, after all I reminded her of my father. To see the husband every time she looked at her son was painful.

But what annoyed me most was my sensitivety. I became incredible ticklish like I used to be as a child and god I despised it. For now I was glad nobody I knew found out about it.
About those I knew...
Of course Aoko had realized I was gone and told Nakamori-keibu about it who fell into immediate alarm. He knew me since kindergarden and of course nobody would be able to kidnap the great Kuroba Kaito, the infamous prankster. Police searched for me, I saw myself inside the news appearing once per day.

At this moment I wondered about Hakuba. Did he notice anything odd about my disappearance? My house shut down thanks to police invading the place.
Chuckling softly I raised another small snack up towards the dove on my head, waiting for it to fish it out of my hands. I wondered if Hakuba even took over the case... No he wouldn't, he solved murders and not crimes such as kidnapping.
Now that a week passed I reminded myself to inform Nakamori-keibu of KID's disappearance as well.

It was fairly easy to print out a note, I would just send it per mail towards him. Deep in thoughts I reread the letter, soft rustling of the birds disturbing my silence inside the shed.

"As long as a jewel shines again, the moonlight brightens my stage and the audience gets enchanted by my performance... We shall meet again, Nakamori-keibu.
But for now I have to bid my farewell. -Kaito KID."

Nodding to myself I drew my famous doodle next to the words, sealing the letter into an envelope and making my way to the next postbox. I hesitated a second before dropping the letter into the endless darkness, it sealed the goodbye of the magician under the moonlight.

A tear rolled down my cheek, it was like bidding farewell to the last thing which connected my life to Kuroba Kaito. But it was necessary, right?
Secretly I worried about all my friends. Nakamori Aoko would be in tears about my disappearance and Koizumi Akako would try to find me with her weird witch magic... Perhaps she even did. Yet, would the crystal ball difference Lupin Toichi and Kuroba Kaito?
I wasn't sure about this but I somehow knew even Hakuba was worried.

A small grin came onto my lips as I thought once more of him, the half brit and Sherlock Holmes geek.
"He's probably just disappointed KID slipped through his grasp yet again."

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