An Unpleasant Morning

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Kaito's POV

I fought myself through the bushes in my way, ending up behind my house. There was a tree which directly lead to my room... I just needed to climb it and my gadgets like the grappling hook could be useful too.

But as I finally arrived the tree seemed to be a lot bigger than in my memory. How on earth should I climb it?

I pulled out the grappling hook, barely able to handle it in my size. Yet with perfect precision I shot, managing to catch the branch which directly reached towards my room.

"Yes! Skills are still skills~"

This was the first time I cheered again since hours. Pulling myself up I nearly yelped at the jolt rushing through my body and clung to the huge pistol. On the branch I started to balance towards the window, would I make it?

With a relieved sigh I jumped onto the small balcony and looked back down. I had to leave my bag on the ground, or else I could have fallen off.
With the long rope of the grappling hook I started to fish for it, soon catching it and pulling it next to me onto the creme coloured ground.

I hastily searched inside my costume for the lock picks and soon enough opened the window. In a moment of relief I still stumbled over the window sill and fell face first into my bed, my happiness choked out through this.

It didn't take too long to put everything away and as I finally fell down on my bed, I caught a glance of the clock.
"5:00 am...?! Jesus... And tomorrow is monday... wait no, today is monday."

As tired as ever I slipped below the sheets and took a deep breath, letting the fluffy bed lull me into a comfortable sleep.
"Perhaps... tomorrow..."

The next morning I woke up to the bird's cooing inside their big cage I placed into my room. My eyes fluttered open and I stared for a while at the ceiling, it was long since I didn't get proper sleep and thus wasn't used to it at all.

"God I'm tired..."


"Oh please no... Why today...?!"

I was glad the curtains of my room were closed, else Aoko would have caught a glance of me. With a deep sigh I swung my fragile legs out of the bed, touching the smooth carpet. Only now I started to notice my stuffy nose, I really did catch a cold after all.

Already annoyed by this I started my day with feeding the birds and opening the cages. The curious glances I received cheered me at least a little up again as the doves probably just recognized their master.

"At least you're gonna listen to me now. Len you stupid dove I needed you..."
Said dove let out a happy coo as I petted it with my index finger.

Eating breakfast turned out to be just as difficult, first I didn't reach the refrigerator and then the coffee machine was too far away for my little arms. Not that I drank coffee, I enjoyed hot chocolate out of this thing.
This was the moment I learned how chairs really were able to change worlds.

After a rather small meal I collapsed on the couch, a yawn escaping my mouth. I needed to disappear... and KID would too.
"Gotta send a note to Nakamori later on... First I gotta disappear and then KID, else they'll become suspicious of me."

But where should I go to?

Aoko definitely would recognize my child form immediately and Akako was a living nightmare, I wouldn't be able to fight her in this form. At least not as proper...
I needed a new name too.

I barely could suppress a giggle as the first name which came to my mind was Lupin Toichi. Yes, this would be my new name... As exotic as my personality~ And in honor of my father and the thief of the thieves...

"Lets see... Neither Akako nor Aoko. Hakuba could go straight downhill too, I'd rather kill myself. Perhaps Kudo? There was a high chance he could find out. Jii-chan... no, that old man is on vacation for a month."

My smile dropped a little as I realized what that would mean. I couldn't stay here, the disappearance of Kuroba Kaito would be noticed within a day. I... I had to stay inside the streets. First of all after I stole some proper clothes of course... My neighbors had a small son around my age I owned now.

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