Another Plan, another Game

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Shinichi's POV

I arrived home soon after I had stormed out of the café, leaving an obviously confused Kuroba behind. Once the front door fell shut behind me I finally started to relax and slumped down onto the ground, leaning against the wooden wall behind me.
"Damn... What am I doing?! If I keep acting like this I'll push him further away and will never get a chance to catch him! Perhaps..."

There was a possibility how I could find out wether Kaito KID grew fond of me in the way I desired him to or not. But I would be in need for Haibara's assistance... Convincing her meant the next month volunteering for her as test object.
Not thinking any further about this hilarious and silly idea of mine I pulled out my phone and dialed Haibara's number, the little scientist answering with a for once happy tone. Good timing.
"Moshi-moshi? Shinichi?"
"Ah yes... Haibara, I need your help."

The next day, I picked up Kaito from school like I usually did and he stared at me with worry and slightly red cheeks. Musing about this, I leaned back into my car seat and flashed a glance at him during the drive.
"What's wrong, Kuroba?"
"Uhm... N-nothing."
I kept my straight expression yet inside I knew Haibara had contacted him today. So... The package had to be inside his bag.
"Kuroba? You're acting off."
"I obviously don't. Come on, drive off before Hakubastard catches us."
Snickering softly I turned on the engine and left the school with the magician, after a while of peaceful driving stopping at my place. He promised me to help me preparing for the school play, after all.
I never mentioned that I already was a good actor.

Inside the house Kaito tossed his bag into a corner and surprise, a small package flew out with a weird reddish substance kept in a bottle. Immediately the male panicked and jumped after the bottle yet I caught it first and opened it, playfully sniffing on the liquid.
"What is that?"
"G-give it back Kudo! Don't drink it! It's mine!"
Chuckling, I jumped aside as KID made a dash towards me and tilted my head.
"You know, this isn't like you at all. If you don't tell me what it is I'll drink it."
"NO!! I-it's... i-it's material for my smoke bombs!"
"...sure it is."

I raised it to my lips and, eying the horrified male in satisfy, drank the liquid without any hesitation. In the next second Kaito already pressed me against his chest, whimpering worriedly.
"O-oh god Kudo, how could you do that...?! A-are you feeling different...?"
"Different? How should I- ugh!"
I bent over, pushing myself out of his arms and pressed a hand onto my stomach, softly panting.

Kaito's POV

Oh god how could he drink it?!
With a small blush I eyed the poor detective up as he struggled to keep himself on his legs. Finally he bent over and looked like about to vomit, that was when I pulled him into a soft hug and pressed a bowl under his nose.
It was one of the rare times I called him at his first name. What would happen?! Would Haibara's liquid really work...?

"Haha! Kaito~!"
All of sudden said detective tackled me inside a hug, snuggling like a kitten into my chest. Dumbfounded about this I stared at him and finally, pulled my phone out and dialed Haibara's number, Shinichi still clinging onto me.
"Haibara!! He drank it! Kudo drank it! Did you already find a cure?!"
"No, I didn't. But it should wear off after a bit of time. How about you quit complaining and enjoy Kudo while he's madly into you?"
My blush became worse and worse, god this damned scientist!

Now I was at Kudo's residence.
With Kudo.
Who drank a love potion Haibara Ai had handed me short before school.

I flashed a glance over my shoulder at Shinichi, facing an adorable blush of his.
"Don't you love me too...?"
My eyes grew wide and my heartbeat quickened, what was I supposed to answer now? But the cute Meitantei snuggled only further into my back and let out a dreamy sigh against it.
"I love you Kaito..."
"I... Uh..."
Surely these were the potion's effects, it depressed me a little to know this wasn't the truth. Why? Why did he have to drink it? Else everything would be the same, I would keep observing and admiring my favorite critic from afar while he would have no idea about anything.

But as I started to grow lost in thoughts Shinichi pulled away all of a sudden and smiled, a mischievous glim inside his eyes.
"Can I get a...?"
He closed his eyes, relaxing his whole body. It was now that I started to realize what he actually meant. Oh dear...

He waited for me to kiss him.

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