Riddles over Riddles

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Kaito's POV

What was wrong with Shinichi? Why did he just ran off?
Panting in exhaustion I dashed around the corner, promptly bumping into a passenger who turned out to be no other than Hakuba Saguru. Said detective took a gasp and blinked twice as I fell straight onto my butt, stumbling to raise myself.
He hesitated, then held out his hand to help me up. Not trusting this gesture I refused him and pushed myself up alone, trying to look past the tall male.
"Y-yea yea nice to see you Hakuba but I seriously gotta-"
"Not so fast. You have a lot to explain."

The halfbrit firmly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the opposite direction. I struggled, squirmed and even kicked him, yet he avoided all of my actions with ease. I had no other choice than to tag along while Shinichi disappeared from my view.

Minutes later in the same cafe I had stormed out from Hakuba sat in an booth, actually right next to me and like that blocking my way out. His golden eyes fixed mine as he leaned back, tension building between us.
"Now, Kuroba. All of sudden you disappear for weeks. You insist on amnesia as you returned. And all of sudden you are best buddies with Kudo Shinichi?! This doesn't make sense. Kuroba, I want to know it. What had happened for you and KID to disappear?!"
I swallowed yet kept my pokerface. Great. Hakuba doubted my words and now I was cornered.
"Uhm... I have no idea what you are talking about. I just... bumped some time ago into Kudo and we became friends. That's all."
"That's all?"

Hakuba shot a deadly glare at me and a shiver ran down my spine. But other than exploding he let out a soft sigh and turned to take a sip of his tea, remaining as calm as ever.
"Haha. I don't believe you, Kuroba. You see, I am not called a detective just for the heck of it. I can read people. And you, Kuroba... something happened for you to pause for a while, something which didn't only affect your life as Kaito KID but your private one too. And obviously, Kudo Shinichi is either part of the solution or part of the problem."
Letting out a dramatic sigh I made myself comfortable in the booth, leaning back as well, my dreams of finding Shinichi to clear the situation destroyed.

"Well, how about I will tell you one thing and you'll leave me alone? I've got business to do."
Hakuba raised his eyebrows, unsure as if to accept the deal. I held out my hand to him, my signature KID smirk on my lips. How couldn't it be? One small detail for this brat wouldn't hurt. Despite that, I had searched him when he didn't pay attention to me. No recording devices or any camera, quite naive of the half brit.
He shook my outstretched hand and pulled back in the same second, clearly not trusting the whole situation. How could he after all, with shaking my hand he made a deal with the devil~ My facial expression didn't change the slightest bit as I tried to make a choice on what to tell the London bastard.

"You know, Hakuba... How about sweetening this a little? Listen closely."

Said detective immediately sat up straight and looked like wanting to inhale my words.
"Black consumes the diamond, turning it fragile and small... But a small jewel couldn't be less powerful, right~?"
I made a small meaningful pause, enjoying the frustration visible inside his face.
"That is all I'm gonna tell you. Have fun brooding over this~ But beware, this will tell you the whole reasoning behind my disappearance, just not what Kudo has to do with this~"
Hakuba blinked twice and silenced at my words. God it felt so great to steal his voice! Finally, he let out a huff and proceeded to get up, giving my way free.
"Hmpf. I knew I made a deal with the devil. But I'll hold my promise and leave you alone. But beware, Kuroba... As soon as I figured out, I'll be at your heels again."

A simple chuckle was all I had to add to that as I pushed myself past the taller male, heading out of the café again while pulling out my phone in the process. God I had to find Shinichi... What if he was mad at me? For something I had no idea about? Like Aoko usually was?
I breathed out a sigh and dialed his number, trying to call him.
"Moshi moshi?"
A smile appeared on my lips, Shinichi really answered me. Childishly whining out I stopped in my tracks to sit down on a bench.
"Where are you Kudooo...! Why are you mad? Did I do anything wrong?"
"Ah... N-no no... It's just... Ah you won't understand."
"Why don't you just tell me?"

There wasn't any answer from him. I was utterly confused by now, finally I understood how poor Nakamori-keibu always felt just before a heist. So many riddles... and Shinichi's weird behavior was one of them.

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