A Coffee is Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

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Shinichi's POV

I jumped ever so slightly as the doorbell rang all of a sudden. Not really in the mood I forced myself out of the comfortable library chair and shambled downstairs, I kept myself awake the whole night to find any puzzle pieces relating to KID's disappearance.
Still deep in thought I peered through the eye hole and gasped as I recognized Ran, immediately opening the front door and showing my best smile to indicate I was doing just fine.
"Ah, Ran... Did anything happen?"

The woman turned sheepish as I asked her this question. Of course, I thought, she just came to check on me again. I had to suppress a small grin as I stepped aside, permitting her intrusion.
"Jeez Ran I'm not a little child. I'm fine. And Haibara is persistant enough to call once a day too."

Nevertheless she stepped inside and let out a sigh, her eyes turning sad and longing.
"Yeah... I know you're an adult... But I can't help it, you're still the Conan-kun I kept at home for so many months. And even if!"
She rested her hands on her hibs, staring in a scolding manner at me and obviously about to accuse me of-
"You never took proper care of yourself as Shinichi either!"
There it goes.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, still so used to feel glasses just on the same spot.
"Ran... Please..."
"Don't Ran me! Shinichi, coffee isn't breakfast. Coffee isn't lunch either. And coffee isn't dinner!"
"Oh come on you act as if I'm inhaling coffee!"
I was greeted with the typical expression of a girl that wanted to facepalm any second and desperately tried to hold it back. Without a word, her eyes slowly slid downwards and I followed her expression until it stopped on my left hand.
How did that mug of coffee get into my hand?

Defensively I let out a huff and turned, heading to the kitchen with a persistant Ran right on my heel.
"Oi! I'm not finished yet!"
"God Ran please I was awake the whole-"
Shit. I shouldn't have said that. Ran stared at me with eyes of a concerned mother as she slowly lifted the bag she brought onto the kitchen table.
"...Kudo Shinichi!!"
I flinched and sighed, slowly letting myself down onto the chair on the right side of mine. This was about to be a famous long speech of hers.

"Why on earth did you do an allnighter again?! Shinichi you need your sleep! Do you have any idea how bad this for your brain activety, general fitness and immun system is?! Jesus no one can leave you alone for a whole day until you drown in work again. You really should-"
She kept rambling on and on about my health she was concerned about while I kept listening to her, nipping at my mug of coffee every few seconds. At the end of her talk I had spaced out since long and suddenly, much to my distaste, noticed my cup was empty. Without a word I got up and walked towards the coffee machine, deep in thought placing the empty mug below it and turning it on while Ran stared at me, slowly starting to quiet down.

I jolted and nearly dropped the coffee again, spinning around to her.
"I-I'm listening!"
Ran blinked thrice and finally cried out again in protest.
"You just made yourself another coffee!! Did you even listen to me?!"
"Y-yes of course I did!"
"...what was my last sentence? Come on, Shinichi. You should be able to remember it if you listened to me."
My following silence was all she needed to finally facepalm with a groan, her expression declaring her utter defeat. With a helpless nod she motioned onto her bag and let out a sigh.
"I brought some food for you... Regarding your terrible cooking skills I wanted to make sure you don't starve. Shi- Would you stop making yourself coffee?! This is the third cup and I'm here since 40 minutes!!"

Confused I followed her gaze towards my hand which held again the button of the coffee machine pressed as eager as ever, my empty mug below it.
Ran groaned and spun around, leaving towards the front door, me trailing behind like a lost puppy. I hated it when Ran was mad. At the entrance she sighed and flashed a glance over her shoulder at me.
"Ah, wait... There was a boy who asked about you, w-well, Conan. He kept waiting in front of professor Agasa's house for quite a while. He is about Conan's age and has quite similar looks too. Weirdly he didn't want to tell me his name and ran off as soon as I offered him to join me to visit you."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, I would remember such a boy with ease.
"Anything else?"
"A-ah yes! He has brown hair and quite the sweet smile... He was such a cutie! And his eyes were quite a rare kind. The brightest and most adorable indigo eyes I've ever seen, his expression could make even dad melt!"
Something clicked inside my brain and my face paled. Luckily Ran didn't notice and left the house, closing the house door behind her.

God. Indigo eyes. As bright as stars.
"There is only one person I know with such eyes... That I didn't come to this conclusion myself! KID you dumbass... APTX4869... you could have died..."
My throat became dry as I thought of that.
"Perhaps I could persuade Haibara to hand KID an antidote as well... after all he saved various lives and even she knows he isn't a bad person."

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