The True Kaito KID

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Just a warning to all you softies there, this is not sexual content but the following scenes are a little... Meow!

Shinichi's POV

A blush crept up into my face as I stared at the girl, unable to formulate a comeback. Haibara made a small noise of satisfaction and got up, motioning to a bucket.
"Fill it with warm water and clean him from his sweat. I've got things to do."
She left the laboratory and with that me and the unconcious KID alone.
"...clean him?"

My eyes darted over to the male who only had ten minutes left to bear of his torture. Poor KID... I grabbed the bucket and headed towards the sink, filling it with warm water and grabbing myself a clean sponge.
Wait a second.
Only now I had to realize that Haibara most likely was the one cleaning me days ago while I was unconcious.
"Oh god...! Did she see me naked?!"
Holding back the urge to facepalm I slowly returned towards the magician. His face twisted and grimaced from time to time, yet he looked a lot more peaceful than before. Hesitantly I grabbed the white cloth and slowly pulled it down, revealing his toned chest.

"Wow... He sure has to train a lot..."
It wasn't long until I caught myself staring and with a cry of embarassment I grabbed the wet sponge and slowly began to caress his skin with it. First his neck, slowly towards his left shoulder and down his arms, dipping the sponge from time to time back into the water. At his hands I 'accidently' let mine touch his. I was holding hands with the Kaito KID.
On the inside I started to scream. It felt so... right. Comforting. His hand was warm, soft...
"Concentrate Kudo!" I scolded myself, letting go of him.

Slowly I went back and began to work on his chest, once again secretly admiring it.
Not wanting to go lower than the belly button I instead stepped towards his legs, first cleaning his feet and slowly going lower.
As closer I came to his crotch as more nervous I became. My heart hammered inside my chest, my face felt like burning. I must've been tomato red.
Along his lower legs, to my surprise he had shaved there. Why did he shave there? Less air resistance at his tricks? It made me wonder if he shaved everywhere.
Swallowing the hard lumb inside my throat down I began to wash his thighs. Well formed and obviously trained, I noticed.

My blush started to reach scarlet as I realized I had to do his inner thighs too. My hand gently slipped into the area covered by the cloth and I dragged the sponge across his skin, silently begging to not touch anything more inappropriate than that.
Luck was on my side this time, I pulled away and covered KID's body once again. Breathing out a sigh of relief I slumped down on Haibara's chair, sudden exhaustion taking over as I eyed the fainted thief. When could he wake up? In fact I wasn't even sure if I could properly face him today after that.

I rolled closer with the chair, observing his face in every single detail to never forget it. He had cheekbones so sharp I could have cut myself with them, in fact, his face was overly handsome.
"What a shame I never saw it before..."
In front of me laid Kuroba Kaito, secret Kaito KID. I had solved his mystery yet my interest never faded, in fact by now I was more interested than ever to get to know the person behind the monocle. Would he want to hang out with me someday?
I realized even tho I knew so much about him now I actually still knew nothing. What was his favorite colour? Favorite food? Best friends? What were his hobbies?
I wanted to ask him so many questions, god if he could just wake up now.

My eyes slid down from his cheekbones towards his lips. Soft and slightly swollen through him biting down onto them during the pain, a hint of red.
"Should I...?"
I shook my head, no, that wouldn't be right. Instead I moved upwards towards his hands and unchained them, followed by his legs. I wouldn't want him to feel even worse chained up in front of a detective.
Yet I couldn't help than to direct my attention to his lips once that was done. I had never kissed anybody but now felt the incredible urge to do so. People say every person had their unique taste. How would Kaito taste? Sweet perhaps? Or bitter like my favorite coffee? I was dying to find out.

But this wasn't right.
But it felt right.
Kaito would never know right?
But what if it was his first kiss?

God if Haibara would only hurry! Yet in the same second I realized this had been her plan all along. Outwitted by a scientist, my new lowest point.
He looked so luring... it was inviting me.
"Should I?" I asked again.

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