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Kaito's POV

I packed a few things, with my thoughts completely elsewhere. That was one of the many many disadvantages to live right next to a keibu, odd events would be noticed straight away. Especially as a thief this was pure suicide for me... On the other hand, KID liked challenges, didn't he?

As I had this black bag in front of my nose, a few of my most important treasures sprawled all across my bed, my mood began to drop rapidely. I had no idea what I could face now for problems, as a child, a seven years old child! I didn't feel any particular different and yet there were the most different emotions I could have yearned for in this whole life of mine.

Would I have to retire as Kaito KID? What about Aoko? What about Pandora? As a kid I wouldn't have a chance against the Black Organization, not even speaking about Snake himself.
Speaking of Snake... Was it him who attacked me last night? It couldn't be possible, Snake would have tried to shoot me down from the indigo sky.

A sigh forced its way out of my mouth as I stuffed a picture of my parents into the bag before I pulled it out right away again. Could I even consider taking a picture of them with me? If anybody would spot me and found this picture inside my belongings... I would be doomed.
With a heavy heart I laid it aside again and instead went for a few gadgets of KID which helped me beforehand. Counting silently to myself, I tapped every single item once with my index finger.

"Grappling hook, card gun, smoke bombs... bird seeds as much as I can carry~"
Flashing a glance over to my small armee of doves, I knew I had to set them free. Knowing my pets they wouldn't leave their master but it was worth a try, I wouldn't be able to bear the guilt to see them starving.
All I received were the kind and gentle gazes of the white feathery birds. But I couldn't remain much longer inside here, my focuse went back towards my bag.

"Spare clothes I stole, money for food..."
It wasn't too much I collected yet enough to survive a few days. Getting a job was impossible at my age but if I told mom to beg the manager of the Cantarella café... Perhaps I could entertain the guests with a bit of magic.
She would come here soon anyway, I informed her with a phone call this morning. Of course she reacted as shocked as a mother could be to hear her baby turned back into an elementary schooler...

"...she promised to come back soon..."
I didn't have much hope this would happen, despite that, I hated to be pampered by her. No matter my outlooks now I became a grown man, able to take care of myself pretty well alone. Soft cooing brought me back into reality as Len made himself comfortable on my head, pulling and picking a few strands of hair to form them into a small nest.

About evening I snuck out of my house, taking the keys with me. Of course I left through the window, realizing thanks to my height I wasn't able to lock the front door behind me. At the end of the street I took a glance backwards, silently admiring the yellowish shine the street lanterns coloured my house in. It seemed so... Peaceful.

I was alone after all, my pokerface began to crumble as soft tears broke through. My father left me behind on this earth and now I had to leave the last bit of home and comfort I owned. Yet, it didn't matter. After all, Kuroba Kaito always was alone, right? It was my destiny I chose, to create a pokerface worth to be admired and to distance myself from my friends.

It lasted half of the night yet I found a small shed to sleep inside. It looked abandoned, an advantage for me. Unfortunately... it was close to the Kudo manori, if Meitantei would become suspicious of me I would sign my own death certificate.
My doves settled down around me as I nuzzled into a selfmade bed, warm and cozy kept by my fluffiest and biggest pullover. Soon enough it started to rain, I heard the water bashing against the windows.

My eyelids started to become heavy, I couldn't hold them up anymore until I fell into a soft dreamless slumber.

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