Spoiled Plans

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Shinichi's POV

Kaito had decided to stay over for today as he didn't want to leave me alone with the effects of the drug. He had made clear, that someone had to pay attention on me after all.
In this second I used the bathroom to prepare myself for the bed time while Kaito made himself comfortable on a spare futon I kept for exactly such purposes.

Letting out a dreamy sigh I turned on the shower and stepped inside, letting the hot water caress my skin and relax my muscles. What now? Kaito's reaction hadn't been clear, I still could only assume. Ah, things were becoming difficult. And how to admite that the love potion was a prank of mine?
Reaching for the bottle of shampoo I squeezed a bit of the liquid out and washed my hair, starting to grow lost in thoughts.
"He is so admirable... We're friends, but somehow I gotta kick him to the next level. What if he escapes me? No, he cannot escape me. He may be Kaito KID but I am Kudo Shinichi and I definitely will capture him. I only need to play this game a bit longer to see if he really is able to fall in love with me."

A small chuckle passed my lips as I leaned backwards to wash the shampoo out again, careful to not get anything into my eyes.
"And if I have to wait years, I'm going to cut the wings of this dove. This beautiful, fascinating and mysterious dove... He's unique after all, isn't he? He's Kaito KID. And I managed to capture him all alone. Kaito even trusts me... I'm honored~ Laying his fate into a detective's hands really is pure suicide for a thief. He must have chosen wisely... Rather me than Hakuba, hm?"
Once more I let out a snicker and turned off the water, stepping out of the shower and drying myself with a towel. Already in the bathroom I redressed in my pajamas and eyed a last time my reflection inside a mirror.
"Oh if he would only know... People tend to do stupid things if the other is out cold."

Arriving back inside my bedroom I saw Kaito playing with one of his doves. His favorite one, I guessed it was Len. But Kaito always treated his doves the same, so there wasn't any need for jealousy concerning the other animals. He looked up and smiled as he saw me.
"Hey. A little clearer by now?"
Ah right, I almost forgot. Setting up my sweetest smile I tiled my head, sitting down on my bed.
"Clearer? I'm as clear as ever, I love you after all."
"Ah I see. Still under influence... How about we go to sleep Kudo? Hm... And I really thought a shower might return you to reality..."
He shrugged to himself and leaned back into the futon, his dove flying onto my wardrobe to take a seat on its frame.
"Uh... Sure. Good night, Kaito."

As I opened my eyes sunlight greeted me. Did I oversleep? A yawn passed my lips as I hurried to dress and shambled half asleep downstairs, where the luring scent of coffee greeted me.
I poked my head into the kitchen and saw Kaito at the table, two mugs of coffee placed on it with bread enough for both of us. Said thief gasped as he heard me and looked up from his seemingly fascinating tablet, a smile appearing on his lips. Kaito usually was a morning person...
"Hey Kudo. Sit down, I made coffee. And don't worry, I neither put sugar nor milk into yours."
Eagerly nodding I took a seat across of the male and nearly jumped at the mug, taking a sip to clear my head and activate my brain for today. A gaze outside the window told me spring still had to wait a little... A soft cover of snow laid upon plants and streets, turning the landscape together with the morning light into a sparkling dream.

"You know Shinichi... You're so much sneakier than you look like."
I looked up, facing a selfconfident smile of Kaito's. What was he up to? Said male leaned back with a playful sigh, taking a sip of his coffee which obviously drowned in sugar and milk.
"And here I thought you stole a kiss of mine only once... No~ You also did so when I passed out during my transformation, isn't that true?"
I completely froze at his words, swallowing hard. I shook my head this instant, keeping a pokerface.
"How did you get this idea?"
A short laugh was all Kaito answered before he got up and stepped around the table, behind my chair to lean onto it.

"Don't play dumb, Meitantei. If you want to cut the dove's wings you need to try better~"
My face paled this instant. These were the words I had said during my time inside the shower, his breath now hitting my nape in a slow rythm wasn't helping at all to keep a straight face. Finally, after a minute of silence I stood up. It was now or never.
I turned around, trying to force back the tears which begged to roll down my cheeks.
"OKAY FINE! You caught me. But I promise you, KID, I will continue to chase after you and steal your heart. No matter if you want it or not."
I grabbed him at the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a dominant kiss, yet to my surprise he didn't struggle at all. This time it was different. I was unable to show all the love I carried for him, I only showed possessive dominance. He wouldn't escape me again. Never again.

As I pulled away, my lungs demanding oxygen, Kaito stared at me. I had managed to pin him shut against the wall behind him during the kiss and now glared back into his breathtaking eyes.
Silence started to fill the kitchen.

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