Farewell, Kaito KID

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Shinichi's POV

Ran actually took it well that I used to be Edogawa Conan. In fact... She already knew it.

"The way you walked, spoke, touched your chin at your deductions... the same hairstyle and the same beautiful eyes I once fell in love with. Shinichi, I knew it. I knew it since long. And... it hurted a lot at the beginning... But over the time, I really appreciated the time I could spend with you. You needed me... and for the first time, no case you ran after changed this."

Her teary eyes sparkled as she remembered our time and adventures. She left me baffled, speechless and unable to conter her words. The girl pulled me into a soft hug which I gladly responded, seeing her ease into my arms really lifted a huge weight off of my chest.
"Shinichi" she whispered, her voice containing a sad tone, "I would appreciate it if we just stay friends... I love you more than my own life, but by now as a friend... I'm sorry."
My eyes grew wide and I stared into space, trying to progress her words. My heart clenched as I finally realized what this meant and yet it wasn't the sadness I expected. I understood her... Her change of emotions, I deserved it after lying to her for months.
In silence we stood inside her house, embracing each other like the best friends we were.

Remembering our conversation let a nostalgic feeling dwell up inside me, Ran grew up and I never noticed it. She left behind the weak crybaby and became a woman strong enough to fight and stand up for her beliefs. I truly admired her...

"Breaking news! Kaito KID announced his farewell!"
Haibara inhaled sharply as she noticed this and dashed into the kitchen, ripping me out of my deep thoughts. Today was one of the many days I visited her at Agasa's.
"Shinichi, the news brought something pretty interesting. KID bid his farewell."
My face paled in shock as I jumped up and dashed past the redhead into the living room, trembling lightly. Really, the news were full of the mysterious note of Kaito KID.

"-as the keibu announced, Kaito KID bid his farewell with a letter addressed to him. Where is KID now? Did he attain his target?"
I kept listening as eager as ever to the report, slowly lowering myself onto the couch next to me. I couldn't believe it. Now as Kudo Shinichi I finally was able to hunt KID in a proper manner and he disappears all of a sudden?

"No. That's not the truth. Something happened. KID didn't attain his target, else he wouldn't have handed the jewel in."
"That is true. What do you think could have happened?"
Jolting lightly I spun around to the entrance, I never noticed Haibara entering the living room. She seemed to study my expression closely and finally let out a deep sigh.
"Find him Shinichi-kun. I doubt he would disappear without a last show."
"...Guess we share the same opinion."

This day I returned back to my house and breathed a sigh of exhaustion. KID's disappearance frustrated me more than it should. I never forgot the day where I stood face to face with the angelic phantom.
His white suit and the moonlight from above made him shine mysteriously. Like a mythological being, unattainable and unreal.
A charming smile, so full of security and confidence, it seemed as if nothing in the world could break his pokerface. It was made to capture hearts of thousands of girls and enchant every single person he ran across.
But the most impressing trait of his were his eyes... Halfway hidden through the monocle and top hat, thanks to a wrong move of his I saw the moonlight reflecting once in them.
This one second revealed an eye colour as bright and marvellous as the night sky, sparkling as brilliant as thousand stars and no jewel I ever saw could reach this beauty.

"Nee, Meitantei, aren't we a little too nosy? I certainly won't forget your name, as it belongs to the person who gave me a good challenge today. Farewell~"

His words echoed inside my brain, his voice was so brave and luring. I impressed him, I felt it this day and it never changed til now. And I was completely sure I would recognize him everywhere at his eye colour as I saw no one possessing this rare trait.
"It's over... just like that? No KID. I won't let you leave this easy. Not before I solved your riddle."

Lost in thoughts I took the wooden steps up into my room and closed the door behind myself, locking the daily problems out. For now, it was necessary for me to concentrate on finding the mysterious phantom.
"There has to be a clue where he is... perhaps the Black Organization?"
I knew KID had a few incidents with a man called Snake, he told me so far about it in one of our conversation we had during our time. Again I distrusted his mere farewell, he knew so much about me thanks to our moments of partnership against other criminals.
This was a riddle I couldn't solve at the same day.

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