A Child's body

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Kaito's POV

Where am I? Everything hurts... What actually happened...?

I reopened my eyes, finding myself on the dirty stones of a sidewalk I obviously passed out on. But... Why?
Alright Kuroba, concentrate. What happened?

Groaning in pain I rested a hand on the back of my head, freezing as cold liquid greeted me. Now about to panic I tried to raise myself yet my legs broke together like toothpicks.
The cool night air hit my skin, it felt like about to burn my flesh. What happened to my clothes...? Did they get too big for me? I felt absolutely naked.

My eyes began to grow used to the dark around me and the first thing I noticed was a small plastic bag with my spare clothes inside next to my body. I wanted to put them on, heck, if I'd continue like that I surely would be on the best way to catch a cold.

But as I lunged to pick out the pullover I froze, staring at my hand. My small and fragile hand. Now trembling in fear and confusion, I stared irritated at my deformed hand and checked my left one too. The same size.
"Wha... what is actually going on here?!"

My voice!
Swallowing in horror I grabbed my throat, was this high pitched children's voice really mine? Now beginning to notice what I actually sat on, I tried to refrain from letting out a scream.

The blue hemd, the red tie, the white pants and jacket, and the coat... with the monocle and top hat. Everything seemed so... ridiculously big inside my tiny hands, around my tiny body.

"T-this cannot be true... Oh god..."

Thunder clashed above me, letting me jolt in surprise. Merely a few seconds later rain started to pour down onto me, drenching me completely. I gathered up everything as fast as possible and more stumbled than ran to the small door I recognized, the first steps gladly covered my a roof.

Close to me a puddle of water began to form as I struggled to take on the way too big pullover, once I noticed it my curiosity died to get an image of what I actually looked like.



That was me?! No matter how much I turned it, a child stared back at me with bright indigo eyes. No doubt, it was my eye colour and my outlooks which faced me. Glad about wearing now a bit of clothing which went towards my knees and covered in fact everything necessary up, I stuffed the remaining KID outfit into the plastic bag.

"Should I stay here until the rain wore off...?"

I wasn't sure if I either should stay here and perhaps let myself get caught with a KID outfit inside a bag or try to reach my home merely dressed inside a pullover.
The hangglider? No, that was impossible too. I was way too light to be able to steer it properly, I would end up dying and that definitely wouldn't happen before I caught Pandora.

At the end I decided to at least wait until the rain lessened a bit. For what seemed like an eternity I sat on the stone steps, lost in thoughts as the rain kept hitting the guarding roof above me.

I began to regain my complete feeling inside my body, it felt good to at least have proper control about myself again.
Once I saw a chance to leave without ending up with a fever, I took my turn and ran... the lonely paths of course, I wouldn't want anybody calling the police.

It lasted long until I arrived at my house, panting, exhausted and trembling. Fiddling with the keys I found out about another problem I needed to face.

"The lock is too high?! Oh goddammit!!"

Fury started to dwell up, god, how could I assume things were going well just hours ago?! This seemed to be the worst day of my life. Unable to go into my own house, stuck with a mere pullover inside rain and a KID costume inside my bag... And yet...


The name of my best dove. I whistled, as loud as possible, perhaps he would hear me.
I waited, one minute. Two. Until I whistled, again and again, yet to no avial. My voice was too high... Len didn't react to it.

What could I possibly do now?

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