Everything Spills

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Kaito's POV

These small legs were so useless! Even tho I put all effort into this dash for my life Kudo Shinichi remained straight at my heel. How could I possibly shake him off?
Passengers stared at us, the detective and the little child who ran like idiots among the streets. I was utterly terrifed.

What would happen if he would catch me? Sentence to prison after curing me? I couldn't allow myself to trust this detective in my condition, sure, he kept an eye shut various times in our connected past but he still fought to get me into prison.
Unfortunately he now knew my outlooks as a child too. And brown hair doesn't change, neither my indigo eyes.

My body started to ache, my legs began to wobble. Where was my condition at this point? In a dead end I took a sharp gasp and jumped at the fence, desperately trying to climb over it before the detective could get a hold of me.
But everything was over as two strong hands grabbed me and pulled me backwards. I struggled yet to no avial, Meitantei had an iron grip.
I didn't listen to his nagging and kept squirming but after a while I slumped in an exhausted manner against his chest, admitting my defeat.

Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled my trembling body closer into a tight hug.
"KID relax... I'm not here to put you behind bars, I'm here to help you. You are KID, aren't you?"
He turned me around to face him and intensively stared into my eyes, earning a small blush of mine. Shinichi's glare always made me lightheaded and flattered, even during his times as Conan. It used to motivate me for giving my best during our battle of wits.
"These indigo eyes... These bright indigo eyes... I would recognize them anywhere. It's really you. I knew something had happened to you."
I remained silent, trying to suppress the overflowing wave of emotions inside my body which wanted me to break into tears.

"Please say something KID."
A weak smile appeared on his lips as he pulled me even closer, resting his chin on my shoulder. Finally my walls broke down and I began to sob quietly, burrying my face into his suit.
"Y-you... you saw my face... my career is done for... I will go behind bars forever..."
I felt him beginning to pet my back to sooth me, he didn't respond as he slowly raised himself onto his legs and calmly turned around to carry me out of the deadend into the puddle of people running around.

"Everything is fine... shh..."
He did his best to sooth me but my tears never stopped flowing, every single one of the bad events of my life broke out as I kept crying and crying, clinging onto the detective. It was a long way we walked, I ran quite far. My heartbeat slowed down bit by bit and finally, the tears stopped as well.
"How did it happen?"
Chewing on my lip I lowered my voice a little, beginning to recall the recent events three weeks ago.
"It happened after a heist... I... I wanted to change from my costume into normal clothes... and suddenly everything turned black. I still remember words like 'Now you won't ever interfere with our plans again, KID'. Once I woke up I was a child..."

My story seemed to cause the detective to fall into deep thoughts. It didn't last too long until he reopened his mouth.
"You are Kuroba Kaito, Ekoda highschool, class 2B."
My eyes wided in horror as he began to tell me all the things this small incident told him about me. About my father, that he was the first KID, he deduced the black organization to be after a jewel I tried to find beforehand, he knew absolutely everything.
The only thing missing out was the Phantom Lady... he couldn't picture her role in this.

As we arrived back at Agasa's, Haibara stood in the door entrance and coldly stared at me. I didn't see her since I kept my face burried into the detective's strong shoulder but I felt her intense glare on my back. Shifting a little uncomfortable at this I ducked myself only deeper into him.
"So that's KID huh? How... cute~"
Shinichi walked into the house and headed straight for the cellar, the crazy girl following us. Once we passed the laboratory doors she reached for a small package behind her opened laptop, pulling out a package of pills and taking one. I had forced myself to look up and watched her by now.

Silently Shinichi let me down onto my feet yet kept holding my hand, almost as if afraid I could make another dash for freedom.
"This pill helps you into your former body. But the process lasts 30 minutes and during it you will receive pain worse than you could ever imagine. Better undress, your clothes don't grow too."
A small blush spread across my face as I pictured myself naked in front of Shinichi but felt relief as he let go of me and motioned to the entrance.
"I'll fetch some spare clothes for him... We should have the same size."

He left the room and with that Haibara and me alone.

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