The Power of a good Plan

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Shinichi's POV

Friends? I knew this wasn't the thing I wanted yet again, it was a start. And I had to be careful... Phantom thieves liked to disappear like scared animals. I had been just about to catch my own one~
Kaito didn't suspect anything... Did he? No, I knew he didn't. And being friends was just enough for now. Even tho... I wouldn't ever forget our day we first met in persona, with no secrets anymore...

A small blush started to spread on my cheeks. What had gotten into me to do this? I wasn't sure at all. Perhaps all the fear and frustration of my time as Conan. I finally was able to chase him, properly, my hand could reach his coat if he flew away with his hangglider.

I would catch him, if necessary again and again, until he was mine. I couldn't bear letting him vanish just like that. But I needed a strategy to approach the bird... and at the end cut his wings, to make him settle down with me. God Kudo don't think those things, you're creepier than your stalkers... These fangirls were like flies, shoo one off and three new appear.

Startled I shot up, realizing I had been ignoring Kaito for too long. Sheepishly I answered his gaze with a hopeful smile.
"I-I'm sorry, what did you say again...?"
"Geesh Kudo. I asked you if you'll have lunch with me. Don't worry, we'll go out."
I nodded my head in agreement, musing about our lack of cooking skills. Ran had been taking care of me since ages and Kaito ate daily at the Nakamori-household.

During the week I had spent with Kaito, daily meeting up with him, I learned so much about him. His favorite colour was blue... as I asked him about the reason, he had just blushed and elegantly stepped around the question.
His childhood friend was Nakamori Aoko and he even knew Hakuba Saguru in private. I couldn't help but chuckle as I heard about this, he was befriended with the Keibu's daughter?
So many things I couldn't have ever guessed... Kaito KID surely impressed me. Yet his goal and the true reason for him to be KID kept being his secret. I didn't pressure him tho... He had told me so much about him, it would have been unfair to keep demanding more and more.

KID was such a refreshing spirit to spend time with. So cheeky, full of surprises... I wouldn't have ever dared to tell him but in fact I did absolutely everything to somehow spend time with him.
At lunch inside a restaurant, Kaito stared at me with big eyes while I told him about my latest case. It was nothing unusual, a murder, yet he showed high interest.
"That's easy Kudo-kun. The culprit obviously prepared the lipstick."
"Obviously. That was really fairly easy."
Sinking back into deep thoughts I began to stirr inside my coffee, letting out an absent sigh. The sun was shining, Kaito sat in front of me and was as happy as ever, everything was perfect.


No. No nothing was perfect.
The phantom thief himself sat in front of me as my friend. My friend. I had spent so much time with him I only fell more and more in love with him... I was about to drive insane. How could I make him fall for me? Capture him at his next heist for myself?
Jesus Shinichi! Stop imagining such creepy things!

Kaito's POV

Kudo really was an amazing person to keep myself busy with. Finally someone fitting for a magician extraordinare as I was~ These days I caught myself thinking of him more than usual, he spiked my interest like nobody else ever managed. And still... Since half of the week we shared, he became so quiet. Lost in his own thoughts, a depressed expression covering this similar face to mine... I couldn't help than to worry for the Meitantei.
Now he did it again, carefully I rested my hand upon his, causing said detective to flinch and blush instinctively as his eyes darted to the place I was touching.
"Kudo... What is wrong? You know I can read others very well and something has been bothering you for quite some time now."

The male seemed at loss of words, his mouth clapped open and shut like a fi- n-no, not like that. Well, he just looked like somebody had been kidnapping his mother right in front of his eyes.
"A-ah well, it's nothing... Don't worry yes?"
All of a sudden the detective left his seat, wrinkling his nose in displeasure as he always did it if anything upset him and headed out of the restaurant. Baffled I eyed after him before I finally caught myself and followed him, leaving enough money for our food on the table.
"Oi! Kudo-kun! Wait!"

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