A Cure?

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I hope you enjoy the story so far! I began to notice I still fail to see lots of grammar mistakes I do.

By now I pay extreme attention to my grammar. I couldn't bear another humiliating moment of someone commenting

".... is not a real English word."

God I was so embarassed... It happened only once but still, as an author this really is a kick into my guts. Guess I still use a lot of common German structure inside my stories, yet I keep on doing my best to improve. 😅

But now I won't hold you back any further, enjoy reading~ (and perhaps give me feedback if you really like it, it's the first time I use this topic)

Kaito's POV

My disappearance spread over the news and crashed in like a tsunami. People were surprised, disappointed and an outburst Suzuki's was caught on camera as he got to know about it.
"Poor old man, now he missed his chance to challenge me again."
Tho I was glad that no one connected Kuroba Kaito's disappearance with Kaito KID.

My life went on peaceful and without any events, well, despite police beginning to search for the thief who kept on stealing food. That was only until I saw one week later something strange...
A man on the street. It wasn't just any random person, it was Kudo Shinichi.
"Meitantei...?" I whispered, immediately hiding behind the next corner. He must have sensed my piercing stare as he spun around this instant and observed the area in a suspicious manner before heading further.

How did Kudo Shinichi turn back? I knew since long Edogawa Conan and Kudo Shinichi were the same person and still it shocked me, knowing the Black Organization shrunk him with a pill.
"God... That means this crazy evil scientist girl... s-she figured out a cure..."
Mentally cheering I turned away and changed my direction into the one of professor Agasa's house. If I managed to get my hands onto the cure I could return to my old life as Kuroba Kaito.

On the way I already began to imagine various stories I could invent to explain my sudden disappearance. For the first time I felt relief. I was a phantom thief for god's sake, I could break with ease into some little girl's laboratory.
"Wonder if it's permanent... Nah, else Meitantei wouldn't behave so careless in public."

Once I reached the building a small whistle made its way out of my mouth. This professor was a silly man and yet he was the one responsible for the little Tantei's gadgets.
"Should I disguise myself as someone? Perhaps... I could disguise myself as one of the Shounen Tantei. They visit anyway every second day..."
An evil smile appeared on my lips, god I loved the idea.

It must have looked pretty weird to see an elementary schooler smirking at a building for more than five minutes since all of sudden someone grabbed my arm, making me jolt in surprise.
"Hey little one, what are you doing here? Are you a friend of Ai-chan?"
Baffled for a second I stared at her until I replaced my expression with my well known pokerface and grinned as innocent as possible at the woman. It was Mori Ran, obviously on her way to visit Meitantei.
"N-no! I just wondered if Conan-kun would be here today! He is gone since soooo long!"

Ran froze and pity appeared on her face, I felt she was about to lie.
"A-ah, you didn't know...? Conan-kun left Japan to go back to his parents..."
"R-really? Aw man!"
A lie. I knew it. So Shinichi really regained his real body again... On the inside I kept smirking like a madman.
"How about you join me? I was going to visit his relative Kudo Shinichi. Whatever you want to tell Conan he can tell him. What is your name?"
Instantly I shook my head, showing a toothy grin at the woman and backing away.
"Not necessary! I'm glad to know Conan-kun is happy at home."

Luckily Ran let it slide and with that I left, huffing in disapproval. I hated it if anybody interrupted me during observing a target. I just hoped this wouldn't result into any problems...
Back inside the shed I fell with a groan onto my selfmade bed, startling the doves around me. As if commanded they all landed on top of my back, forcing me to keep laying on my stomach.
"Oi get off you- ugh doesn't matter, it's not like I have anything to do today..."

I would need to find out a good entrance... This wasn't as easy as stealing a jewel. Perhaps I could dress up as Haibara herself too? I would just need to pic a time where she leaves the house, for example to visit Shinichi or for school... but concerning school I would need to think of a good excuse for professor Agasa.
Ah I needed to plan this as well as my heists.

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