The Important Resistance

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Kaito's POV

I kept staring at Shinichi for quite a while, fighting to restrain myself. Shinichi's cheeks carried a pinkish tone and he had his eyes closed. Almost begging he had leaned a little bit forwards like a girl, his rosy lips luring me to cover them with my own ones. He waited, never moved any bit. Did he want a kiss so desperately...?
"A-ahaha! It's quite hot in here isn't it?! L-let me open the window."
I walked past him, trying to escape the situation as I pushed his window open and leaned out, taking a deep breath to calm my cherry red face. I didn't have to turn around to feel his disappointed eyes on my back but nevertheless, I could never take advantage of him in this state of mind.

"H-hey Kudo, didn't we want to practise acting?"
Shinichi looked up and his eyes seemed to light up for a second as he nodded, turning to pull out a small book from his schoolbag.
"Yeah... I need to practise this scene."
Shinichi smiled again and I exhaled in pure relief, I managed to get out of that situation. How long did this love potion last? No, Haibara never said anthing about that.

In the evening as we both sat on the couch, watching tv, Kudo suddenly leaned over towards me and fixed my eyes with his.
I swallowed, again he made such an irresistable expression.
"Are... are we not going to continue? N-not even once did you give me a kiss..."
Shinichi lowered his head in sadness and I literally could hear my heart slowly breaking into pieces, yet in the next second he already raised his face once more and stared at me with these big adorable eyes... I nearly melted next to him.
"Am I being teased...?"
"O-of course not!!"

I grabbed his shoulders and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep myself together.
"But why then...?"
Letting out a sigh, I tried to focuse and my body slowly relaxed again. I wasn't used to tension and hated it, I never worried about any situation and now wasn't the time to start it either.
"Look, Kudo, you're just under the influence of the drug Haibara made. It's not right to do that. Lets just stay here until it wears off, yes?"
Shinichi's shoulders slightly dropped at this, I clearly felt it below my hands. But all of a sudden he moved again and seemingly inched closer. Shaking my head violently I backed further away into the couch and a whine passed my lips.
"Kudo don't...!"

I halfheartedly pushed against his shoulders yet Kudo didn't budge and kept inching closer, I pressed myself further and further into the couch until I was forced to lay down. I felt Kudo fully bending over my body and squeezed my lips shut, desperately trying to keep a clear head.
"Kudo stop! T-this is wrong!"
I kept pushing and pushing yet to no avial, Shinichi closed the last gap between our lips and an electric shock drove through my bones. All of that weak resistance I had disappeared within a blink, my grip on his shoulders becoming softer until my hands slid down, strenghlessly falling onto the couch. I didn't respond his kiss but couldn't move either to do so even if I wanted to. My body remained completely frozen, with one simple kiss he had turned my sharp mind completely off.
I noticed him grabbing one of my hands to softly pin it down next to my head, his kiss felt so angelic and gentle, yet luring and demanding. As if he had waited for this chance since a very long time...

As he finally parted I opened my eyes, greeted by an expression so sweet and loving I already felt like about to melt away once again. Shinichi smiled... and tears prinkled inside the corners of his eyes. He looked so happy...

Shinichi's POV

I had grabbed my chance and stole a kiss of the phantom thief himself. I knew myself this was a horrible way to play around with him but for now it seemed to be my only chance to pursue him into a kiss.
Alone for this moment, it was worth everything I had done.
To have the Kaito KID laying on the couch below me, glossy kiss-swollen lips and his bright indigo eyes clouded with dizzyness... This red blush decorating his cheeks and his pokerface shattered into pieces.
Nobody would ever see KID like this, only I did. He was mine. Mine and mine alone. Did he love me? I still didn't find out yet. He had tried to push me away but it was nowhere close to real resistance. He didn't kiss back yet obviously enjoyed it, regarding his slightly delated pupils.
Ha, sometimes being a detective really was an advantage.

Kaito reached his hand up, resting it on my cheek as a small smile came onto his lips.
" really are something... Lets hope you don't remember anything when that wears off... I really wouldn't want you to feel bad about what you've done. You're not at fault. Okay?"
Blinking twice in surprise I didn't know how to respond to that yet eased into his hand and closed my eyes. He always was so forgiving and understanding... He had forgiven a witch who wanted to kill him and now he forgave me this shameless approach. This moment, as the orange light of the sun going down fell onto his face... His beautiful face...

My heart clenched at the thought of his uncut wings.

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