The Evil and the Kind

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Shinichi's POV

As I returned with a bundle of clothes under my arm I hesitated at the door. The walls were thick and wouldn't let a sound of KID's tranformation through. Did he even start tranforming yet? Would I even want to see that? Poor KID, I harshly doubted he wanted me to see him changing. But... did I want to see him?
The thought of a chance to see KID naked inside his normal body was too good to be true. What if I returned just thirty minutes later? Or perhaps he needed someone to hold his hand through this pain?
Holding KID's hand somehow sounded like the best thing existing inside my mind. This gloved fragile and yet strong hand of his... I wondered how it looked without the glove.
Like an idiot I towered over the door, my hand hovering above the handle for solid 5 minutes as I kept arguying with myself.

Finally I collected enough bravery and pressed down onto the handle, slowly opening the door.
Why was it so quiet? In surprise I let my eyes examine the room and found a terrified KID huddled up inside a corner with Haibara towering over him. Just what...?

"KID, you need to take it now. Here it's soundproof, nobody will hear your screams of torture."
"Y-you don't understand Haibara! As a child I used to be horrible sensitive a-and..."
His voice turned into a sad whisper which I still heard, praise my detective ears for this.
"And I-I... I doubt I could bear this..."
A dark smile appeared on the girl's lips as she listened to his words.
"Be glad you can't~ As sooner you pass out as less pain you will have. Despite that, I like the idea to see you twisting and turning in agony."
While KID started to tremble even worse in horror I facepalmed with a groan and inched closer, leaving the clothes on a chair during the process.

"Haibara you'll make it worse! Show a bit empathy will you?"
"My bad, since when am I supposed to comfort criminals again? I'll have to note it down in my calendar."
With a pokerface she stepped towards her calendar and wrote down what she said: "The day where Kudo Shinichi plays babysitter for criminals... anything else?"
What a wonderful day, the detective of the east getting roasted by a scientist.

Glad that she was away from Kaito tho I approached the trembling chibi and crouched down in front of him, resting my hand on his knee.
"Come on KID, you can do it. I passed out too. Don't fight against it and you will oversleep most of it."
I shot a warm smile at him, causing said chibi to turn an adorable shade of pink. One of the rare moments I was able to read his thoughts behind his pokerface, he seemed to argue with himself since when he needed consolation from a detective.
Finally he raised himself on trembling legs and snatched the pill on Haibara's desk away. The girl understood and held a glass of water out to him which he stared at for the next minute.

Suddenly, he turned back to us.
"Would you please consider to not keep staring at me like a zoo animal when I undress? Please."
To see the usual so teasing and powerful Kaito KID this shy about his body almost got me to aww at him. Yet we both granted his wish and turned around while he undressed, climbed onto the desk and spread the long white cloth over him which used to cover my transformation a few days ago.
Haibara immediately grabbed his arms and legs, chaining them onto the table together with my help. KID seemed to know why, he didn't start a fuss about it and immediately swallowed the pill with help of the water.

A few seconds nothing happened.
But then, his eyes shot up wide and he let out a scream as if burning alive. I jolted in surprise how loud he was and stared at him with a pityful expression but Haibara kept her emotionless face, showing at the larger screams a small smile.
Sometimes she really was creepy.
Tears started to pour out of KID's eyes as he twisted and turned under the pill's effects, crying out every two seconds. By now he had trouble breathing and choked on his sobs.
Biting my lip I quietly begged at the thief, "Please pass out already" I murmured, unable to watch his agony any longer. His eyes had become glassy since long, the pain made his body grow limb and he was drenched in sweat.
And finally, these beautiful indigo eyes closed themselves as the male slipped into unconciousness.

A glance at the clock told us he had been howling in pain for fifteen minutes by now, just like I did. Haibara made a small noise of disapproval and turned back to her equipment, turning on her laptop and starting to type things I had no idea of.
"He could've screamed just a bit longer, he deserves it."
"Haibara stop it! He doesn't. He is a nice and kind child, didn't you see how broken he was when we came back? He was utterly terrified. KID may have stolen a lot of things but always returned each and every single one, despite that, he keeps the condition of the task force high and is responsible for saving so many lives... even Ran's more than once."

The little scientist froze on her chair and a cheeky smile appeared on her lips as she looked through her codes.
"...someone's got the hots for a certain thief~"

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