Tears and Triumphs

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Kaito's POV

I felt myself back inside the body of a helpless little child as Shinichi had pinned me shut against the wall behind me and had forced his lips onto mine. I felt so inferior to this male I couldn't say any word, I just let it happen. His behavior was so rough and possessive... yet his eyes clearly revealed what he felt. Fear, determination and the undying love...

Shinichi truly wanted me and me alone.

Silence filled the kitchen as he parted and stared at me, slightly panting due to the loss of oxygen. These minutes seemed endless, like a moment which never dared to die out. Neither Shinichi nor me could say a word as we glared at each other, leading a conversation without any sound.

"...what?" spat the defensive detective.

"Could you... perhaps release me?"

He seemed to realize he still held me shut against the wall and backed off with a blush of embarassment, defensively grumbling and turning to fetch himself another mug of coffee like he always did if nervous. It almost looked as if he awaited me to storm in pure disgust out of his house yet I didn't make any move to do so. With a gentle smile I approached the male and wrapped my trained arms around his stomach, pulling him backwards against me into a gentle hug.
"Kuroba what...?!"
A painful chuckle escaped my lips as I rested my forehead against his nape, closing my eyes as I felt him easing into my embrace.
"Oh Kudo... That wasn't necessary at all, you know? I only teased you."

The detective of the east froze in confusion. It was pretty easy to read his mind in this situation, obviously he wondered about my words.
"You are quite desperate hm? To use such methods... How long did you feel like this, Shin-chan?"
"S-Shin-chan?! Don't call me that!"
Shinichi trembled, was it fear he felt? Or defeat? A small laugh was all he answered onto my question.
"Yeah... I guess so. But... you're Kaito KID after all. The magician under the moonlight. You have so many fans, countless people fall for you every day. How could you even spare a glance at me? Your enemy? Sure, we became some kind of friends by now... But it's so damn hard to hold back, Kaito. So damn hard."

Once more silence filled the room but it was a comfortable one. Shinichi had opened his heart, revealing all these feelings huddled up inside his soul to me. It... somehow made me happy. Now he rather seemed like a helpless child.
I shook my head in amusement and released him out of my embrace, leaning instead against the kitchen counter.
"Oh Shinichi... Going as far as to steal now thrice a kiss of mine... You really are hopeless. But this side of yours... it's kinda cute."
I felt Shinichi's burning eyes on me so I turned away, completely sure a blush occupied my cheeks by now.


But Shinichi didn't leave my any chance to avoid his eyes again, within a second he towered over me and gently moved my chin back to face him.
"Kaito... Oh Kaito don't tell me..."
My blush seemed to be enough proof for him as he was the one pulling me into a tight hug. All of a sudden, I heard him giggle which evolved into a fullhearted laugh.
"I've been acting like an idiot. Making up plans and excuses and everything so complicated..."
Smiling happily, I rested my chin upon his shoulder and eased into his arms.
"Yes, you have been acting like an idiot. But... I became concious of you after all. Even..."
"Even... i-if I doubt it happened because of that. You always were my favorite critic after all."

Shinichi tensed up inside my arms and finally tried to suppress a quiet giggle.
"Then we both have been dancing around each other. How ironic, we are so similar. Apoptoxin 4869, a helpless time as a little child, dangerous people lurking inside the shaddows..."
Nodding at that, I turned to gaze out of the kitchen window, absently letting out a dreamy sigh.
"But I wouldn't want a life less exiting."
We stood there for quite a while, just enjoying each others presence, until we decided to go out instead for breakfast. None of us had any good cooking skills and I had prepared only coffee and bread.

Minutes later inside a restaurant we sat down and happily chatted about mindless things, nipping on our second round of coffee and taking bites of our food. We didn't know how to move on with life, Shinichi had trouble finding back into his life as highschooler since he needed to catch up with so many things, his social life too, and I still had my goals as Kaito KID I didn't want the detective of the east to take part in. But there was one thing we both were certain about.

With the fate we shared, we would live on as lovers, supporting each other during our hard and good times. Smiling in thoughts, I flashed a glance out of the window and lifted another fork towards my mouth, gently taking the piece of food off.
"Guess you really did cut my wings of a lonely bird, Meitantei."


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