A Chibi KID?

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Shinichi's POV

I spent the next days trying to find Kaito KID. I had a brief description of him after all, he had brown messy hair, indigo eyes and enjoyed to wear way too big pullovers. And yet he seemed to be non-existant, wherever I searched nobody ever saw him.

Going as far as to ask Megure for a small check inside his files, it never helped any bit. I felt as if trapped inside a maze with no end and yet, it was a shrunken phantom thief I hunted, he certainly knew how to clean up his traces.

As I dragged myself home after an eventful day, I started to space out once more. His character traits kept echoing inside my busy mind like a mantra, my voice chanting them silently along until something close to professor Agasa's house caught my attention.
My body decided to move on its own, I jumped into the closest bush and eyed the suspicious figure close by up.
"Fairly small, the body built of a young boy..."
Could this be my culprit?

He seemed awfully interested in the house on my left and yet he watched from the other side of the street to not appear too obvious. This boy made sure to stay hidden between a few cars and still I had noticed him right away, bless my detective senses.

Was this Kaito KID? Knowing his skills and sensitive hearing I wasn't able to sneak up on him just like that and ordering for help per mobile phone would only gain too much attention.
All I could do was to warn Haibara with a small text of the soon to be breakin.

What was it that KID wanted? He only would show interest in professor Agasa because of me.
Realization hit me like a train, he must have stumbled across the grown me and his deductions led him to the conclusion that Haibara created a permanent cure.
"...that probably was the day I felt someone's glare on me all of a sudden..."

Silence spread above the area, a few lights turning off declaring the lively street to die bit by bit out. It was me and KID, KID and me. Like it used to be on the clock tower, only that he didn't recognize my presence.
Minutes passed where he merely stared at the house of professor Agasa and kept eying the building as eager as ever. After a barely bearable eternity he finally made his first move... He crossed the street and with a dark chuckle snuck onto the professor's domain, disappearing between a few bushes.

Unsure wether to move out of my hiding spot I kept waiting for another two minutes which really paid of as not a boy left the plants but a girl. Haibara Ai, unable to be differenced by the original.
It didn't take much longer until he picked the lock of the front door and tiptoed inside, that was my signal to follow him into the house. Haibara blocked onto my nagging the windows and now it was my turn to do the same with a small table at the front door. Kaito KID was trapped inside this house and he had no idea.
Or so I thought.

As soon as I took a step around the next corner I took a sharp gasp and jumped at the redhead, tackling her down onto the wooden floor. Haibara squeaked in surprise and struggled, sounding creepily sweet.
"Shinichi if you don't get off of me in the next second I am going to destroy your coffee machine and make sure you will never receive any coffee again...!"
I hesitated a moment and instead reached out to pinch the girl's cheek, resulting her to squeak again. Realizing my mistake I shot up and pulled her along, setting her back onto her feet.

"Kudo Shinichi...!!"
"I know I know, kill me later please. KID just came here disguised as you. You're not having that much of an opinion of him, but please help me catch him. I'm afraid as a child he won't listen to me... we can help him without him hiding. He swallowed APTX4869."
Haibara stared at me with an expression as nothing-saying as usual and let out a mere sigh.
"...then we should hurry. He probably messes my laboratory up this second."
We tried to stay quiet, approaching the cellar on tiptoes to not alarm the thief.

Inside was rustling audible, very few murmured curses and finally a quiet groan.
"Where did that evil scientist girl hid them...?! They have to be pills after all..."
Haibara opened the door with a cold smile and startled the phantom thief who spun around, really resembling her mirror image.
"The evil scientist girl will turn especially evil if a thief messes her laboratory up."
Answered by silence, I continued with a sigh.
"KID. I figured it's you."

Prepared as he was every single moment, within a second blue smoke flooded the room and even if I tried to protect the entrance, KID stormed past me and I followed him with fast steps.

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