Bound... as friends?

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Kaito's POV

I slowly began to regain conciousness. My body felt numb and at first I wasn't even able to open my eyes. There was a voice... Whose voice?
"KID...? Kuroba are you awake?"
Ah... Meitantei... Meitantei is calling me. Did I regain my body...? I was dying to find out yet my exhaustion didn't allow me to.

Only a painful memory was left of the agony I felt beforehand, it was almost like I went to hell and back during this process.
Slowly I opened my eyes and wrinkled my nose, shivering and snuggling deeper into the blanket.
"Yeah yeah quit nagging me... I'm awake I'm awake..."
I heard a sigh of relief next to me and turned my head to meet the direct gaze of Kudo Shinichi, inches away from my face. Startled about how close he was I slightly jolted and let out a small whine.
"Meitantei don't startle me like that...!"

The detective began to notice how close he was as well and backed off with an awkward cough.
"A-anyway... You made it. You're eightteen again. Congratulations."
He seemed weirdly fidgety all of a sudden, I couldn't help than to wonder. Once I realized I still was naked I began to dress, Kudo of course turning away in the process.
Like a newborn deer I tried to hold myself on my wobbly numb legs, god it had been a long time since I was this tall. Once all dressed again I felt the amused glares of the detective accompanying me at every clumsy movement I made.

But one person was missing there, where was this crazy Haibara? And why on earth was Meitantei blushing like an idiot? This was one of the awkwardest situations I had ever faced. Sighing I shook my head, telling myself it had no sense to question everything now. The present was important. How could I possibly continue to search for Pandora with Shinichi knowing absolutely everything about me?
"Uhm... Kuroba..."
I never noticed how deep in thought I had been yet Shinichi pried me out of them with pleasure.

"You're weak KID... and it's a long way to your house. Why... why don't you stay over at my place?"
His suggestion left me as baffled as it left him embarassed. Mentally slapping myself to keep a pokerface, I showed a small smirk and nodded in approval.
"This might be a good solution, despite that, what a gentleman would I be to deny an invitation of Kudo Shinichi~"
Relief spread across his face and he seemed to loose a bit of his stiffness he had had through these minutes, yet his face turned serious again as I raised my index finger.
"On one condition. Meitantei, I want to be safe. No traps and no police either."
"I promise."
The fact how fast he answered made it even more surprising, did he really enjoy my company so much? Hah, I was the great Kaito KID after all, magician extraordinare.

Almost outside the house Haibara stepped in, amused by the fact that Kudo supported my weak legs a little.
"So you're leaving? Good. Don't get kidnapped and please don't be so loud."
She winked at Shinichi who grew big eyes and made a small tsk into her direction, heading off with me barely able to keep up.
"K-Kudo wait...!"
We walked in silence, the night air was chilling and Kudo had merely brought normal housewear for me which meant boxers, pants, socks, shoes and a shirt. He immediately noticed my shivering and wrapped an arm around my trembling body, trying to keep me warm. It was embarassing yet I somehow... liked it. Usually I hated hugs or such but with the detective it was different.

A bit later I fell with groan down onto his couch inside the living room, burrying my face into the fabric. It kept bugging me, I needed to spit it out.
"Meitantei, I still didn't receive a fitting answer. Why exactly are you helping me, why exactly didn't you turn me in yet, why exactly do you offer a thief to stay over at your house and why exactly did you even sooth me...? You have to admite yourself this is a pretty weird behavior for you."
Shinichi froze and breathed out a sigh, letting himself down next to my feet. He kept quiet for a second, then leaned back and fixed my back with his eyes.
"I helped you because I had gone through the same during my times as Edogawa Conan. I didn't turn you in yet because you saved so many lives... you are a good person, KID. Compared with usual criminals a saint. I offered you to stay over because, as I said, you are still weak and if you would have returned home you would never get the peace you need to recover. And..."

He made a small pause which forced me to sit up and direct my attention to him, surprised to see a rather hopeless expression on his face.
"And... because friends do such things for each other. KID, I solved your riddle, but I am as interested as ever in discovering the real you... The one behind the monocle. There are only few persons which are able to understand me and you are one of them. Even tho I can tell you important dates of your whole life and probably tell your life story, I realized I still know nothing about you. What is your favorite food? Do you like movies? Such things. I want to know you, KID."

The corners of my lips twitched up into a soft smile, who could know Tantei-kun was able to such feelings? I observed him for a second before letting out a small chuckle and leaning back into the couch.
"I understand you of course, after all I'm awesome. Then... lets be friends, Kudo. I'm sure we'll really hit it off for sure."
I held my hand out to him, it seems he didn't await this answer since he remained frozen for a second before shaking my hand with a smile. A warm feeling flooded my body and I closed my eyes to enjoy it a bit longer.
Holding his hand somehow felt good... right.

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