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Anxiety's POV

I collapse into my bed and take a few deep breathes. Even if I wanted to sleep, I know I can't. If I sleep I'll have a nightmare and that will cause me to be unable to leave my room. So instead, I pull out a book from my bookshelf then sit down on one of my beanbags.

I flip through the book Coraline by Neil Gaiman until I find my bookmark. I'm on chapter eight, I started reading about two days ago. And, like most of my other hobbies, no one really knows. I might actually go to Logan and ask him for some good book recommendations. Or I could give him some, that aren't as educational. Though thinking about it, Logan will probably give me a thesaurus or something like that. But, Logan never seems to surprise me so I never know.


I wake up from my beanbag chair and put my book away. I must have fallen asleep while reading. Next, I go to my closet to grab a spare jacket for going out on a walk. It's 6 a.m. so I should go through the dark-side area, as usually the dark-siders are awake by now, just to ruin Thomas while he's weak. 

Passing through the hallway, I wave to a few other people that are awake, but I don't see Deceit or Depression. I shrug it off and head for the front door.

The early morning air is cool and crisp. I flip up my hood and plug in my earbuds. The first song that plays is Thank you for The Venom by MCR. While I'm walking, I bop my head and hum along with the song.

Finally, I reach the bridge. I stop in the middle of it and just lean over the railing to look down into the rushing water, water spraying up onto my face. I stifle a silent giggle when the cold water splashes and lands on my skin. Soon I hear the noise of someone struggling.

I turn around to help whomever was making the noise, my heart drops. I see Deceit sucking Depression's blood. Depression is really pale and gasping for air, he looks like he's about to pass out. Or worse, die.

"Leo! Stop it!" I scream, running toward the two. Why would Leo drink his own boyfriend's blood? Leo just looks up to me and snickers. 

I let my wings free because I'm not running fast enough. I soon take off into the air, speeding toward Leo and Markus. When I reach them, I pull Leo up and into the sky. In return, the man hisses at me and claws at my arms, despite the fact I'm right above the freezing rushing water.

"Why did you drink Markus' blood? Your own boyfriend's blood?" I whisper sternly to him. That must have shattered something inside of him, as he gave up in trying to break free and started crying into my shoulder.

I quickly flew down and landed us on the ground. I left Leo to cry on his own to go and help Markus.

"Markus, are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, just feeling pretty light-headed."

Suddenly, Leo races up to us. He and Markus throw me over the railing and all I can do is fall. My wings aren't coming out and I can't breath enough to get my fangs out, not that they could help me either way. Everything is going slow motion as I slam into the water. I can't swim so I don't even try to go against the current. This is my end and I accept it with open arms.


I wake up again, this time it's for real. When I look around, my book is resting open on my lap and my bookmark is still on my desk. The only thing here now that wasn't here last night was a very worried Patton to my left and Roman to my right leaning on my doorway. I'm assuming Patton forced him to come.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, wiping the sweat from my hands on my jeans. then I use my jacket sleeve to do the same with my forehead.

"We heard you screaming." Patton regards softly, "Are you okay Anxiety?"

"I'm fine."

"Well, I couldn't care less," Roman says, "Can I go now. I must eat my princely cereal."

Patton rolls his eyes, "Fine. But next time, you'll be the one that has to comfort Anxiety." Roman groans, but still walks away. Patton then looks back at me.

"Kiddo, how about you come down for some breakfast. It would be nice if you ate with us."

"Alright, I'll do it today." I say, getting a pleased squeal from Patton. I only did that because I don't want to be alone. I rise and Patton leads the way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I close and lock my door and by the time I get there, everyone is in their seat. I sit next to Logan, across from Roman and wait for Patton.

"What do you kids want to eat?" The dad figure asks from the kitchen.

"Oatmeal with fruit please." I say. Logan makes an approving noise and Roman mumbles under his breath.

"I'll take some toast and jam." Logan says, not looking up from his book.

Finally, Roman says, "Eggs and bacon."

"Alright you guys, just chat amongst yourselves."

Logan and I have a pretty fun conversation about good authors and good book series to read. Turns out we have very similar taste when it comes to books. I recommend Neil Gaiman and Logan recommends James Dashner and we just chat about that. But it's pretty quiet, we only whisper. Both for me not to let anybody else really know how often I read and for Logan not to let anybody else know what types of books he likes.

Soon enough Patton serves up our food and sits down himself with his own meal. I smile to him and thank him, Logan does the same. Roman just ignores us and scrolls through something on his phone.

"So," Patton starts, even Roman looks up, "Anxiety, I heard you scream the name Leo. Who's Leo?"

I gulp and take a large drink of my water, "Uh... It's someone you wouldn't want to know about."

"What do you mean kiddo?"

"It's someone the nickname of one of Thomas' old bullies from primary school."

"What's the real name?"

"Leonardo. I just saw him in my nightmare. It's nothing big." I breath. I then release a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding when I know how easily they believe me. Well, everyone except Logan.

"Okay, but I also heard something about blood?"

"Well, Leonardo just made me bleed. It's honestly nothing."

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