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Virgil's POV

"You also hold a ton of grudges."

"How could I not?" I snicker.

"Why are you always a condescending darkness all the time?"

"It's all I know how to do. Simple really." I say resting my foot atop my leg and laying back in my chair.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I say it was simple?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"I don't get it."

I roll my eyes, "I was made to be a rude, sinister, mean person. It's not a choice. I wasn't trained. I was made that way. Just like you were made to be a fanciful, romantic, charming person. Logan was made to be logical, smart, and a nerd. Patton was made to be fun, childish, and silly."

Slight realization hits Roman in the face, "You are naturally like this."

"God! I'm like your teacher! YES I am naturally like this. I don't know how to not be like this."

"Oh." Roman glances at my door, "I'm going to go now."

"Bye Princey." I scoff and roll my eyes as he walks out. I stand up and lock the door then go to lay down.

Roman's POV

I step into my beautifully bright room and take in the wonderful room. Then I look to the picture that Anxiety made for me. It's hanging on my walls next to one of my 101 posters. It makes me feel like a prince in a Disney movie. But the movie isn't complete without a princess to save. So I plan on finding one soon.

I then walk to my desk and sit at the wonderfully soft chair that I have. Then I take out my notebook and flip through each page. I have a few about Patton and two about Logan, but I don't quite have one about Anxiety.

I put 'Anxiety' at the top of the page and put down a few bullet points and write:

*Mysteriously dark room.
*Was born mean
*Sharp canine teeth
*Is fast
*Stronger than Thomas?
*Likes reading like a nerd
*Cat-like features
*Dog-like features

I stare at my swirly handwriting in dark purple ink. I then go to look at the light blue ink that holds information about Patton and the dark blue ink that has information about Logan.

Soon I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I call to them. The door comes open and Patton comes in, closing the door behind him.

"I heard you talked to Anxiety today. How was he?"

"Just as angsty as ever. He seemed fine, I don't know why you're worrying about him."

"He's my dark strange son! How could I not worry about him?"

"Not sure Pat."

Patton comes to sit with me. He sees the notebook I have on my desk, "What's that?"

"Notes I've been taking since I met you guys."

"Oh really now? Can I see them?"

"Sure." I smile and scoot the notebook toward Patton.

Patton's POV

I take the notebook in my hands and go to the first page. It's about me. It says:

*Likes puppies
*Likes kittens
*Really good chef
*Annoys Logan easily

And a lot more. I smile at the light blue writing then flip a few pages until I see Logan's.

*Like books
*Logical (obviously)
*Short tempered
*Talks nonsense
*Thinks through things
*Has a unicorn onesie
*Somehow smooth

Once again, there's a lot more. Roman is very observant. I then turn a few pages to find Anxiety's page. There are only a few.

*Mysteriously dark room.
*Was born mean
*Sharp canine teeth
*Is fast
*Stronger than Thomas?
*Likes reading like a nerd
*Cat-like features
*Dog-like features

I give Roman his notebook back, "Wow kiddo. You really pay attention don't ya!"

"I do. I just don't show it."

I look around the room and spot a drawing.

"Is that drawing from Anxiety?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"He gave us all one. I have mine on the cork board in my room. I haven't seen Logan's yet."

"Can I see yours?"

"Yeah!" I smile and hop up then reach out a hand for Roman. He takes it and I pull him out of his room and into my room. He looks around and smiles.

I point to the cork board which has my drawings and cards.

Roman's POV

Right smack dab in the middle of all Patton's drawings is Anxiety's drawing. I smile at the detail and the excited expression in the face.

"Looks amazing."

"Anxiety really knows how to draw." Patton squeaks.

"And how to make us happy..." I trail off. He was made mean. That's all he knows how to do, yet he knows how to make us happy. Is he really happy himself? What are the songs that he constantly sings. They are weird and slightly concerning.

"So kiddo." Patton says. His door is closed and he's now sitting on his bed. Was I out of it for that long?

"What's up Pat?" I say sitting on his floor.

"Why exactly do you have Anxiety's drawing on your wall and not tucked away somewhere. I thought you hated him."

"I mildly dislike him. And I have it because it makes me feel like a Disney prince. But I do need a princess. And an enemy."

"You can always ask him to draw you a dragon-witch and a princess." 

"You're right. But I don't like talking to the dark persona. I mean, only sometimes."

"Whatever. Another question."


"Why do you keep tabs on us. Why do you write down things that you've learned about us?"

"I don't know. I just feel like it could come in use later in time."


"Well. I think I'm going to hit the hay."

"Goodnight Roman."

"Night Patton."

I step out of the door only to run into Logan.

"My apologies Roman."

"No, it's my fault. Well, I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight."

"Good night Roman." Logan says walking into Patton's room.

The last thing I hear is, "You ready for another lesson Patton?"

I smile as I turn my beautiful golden door etched with tiny engravings of dragons and crowns. I'm glad Logan and Patton have been getting along. But I personally think that there is more than meets the eye with those two, but when I bring it up Logan just tells me that he is tutoring Patton.

I step in my room and close the door. Then I head over to my closet and replace my usual outfit with a white tank top and red pajama pants with tiny crowns on them. I then remove the covers and slid into them. I slip the covers above me and drift off into sleep.

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