Remy's Here!-Thirty One

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Trigger Warnings: Detail of cutting,

Virgil's POV (A few days later)

I wake up on my bedroom floor. There is a small  puddle of blood under my arm. I rip off my hoodie to see my arm already coated in blood from multiple cuts that were re-opened somehow.

You're already bleeding. No use in not cutting.

I nod. I know it's just Markus doing his job, but I agree.

"Yeah. You're right Markus." I smile, standing up and walking to the bathroom. I shut and lock the door before removing my t-shirt. I don't think anyone else but Leo and Markus have seen my cuts.

I shake off the thought and grab the midnight black handle poking out from behind the sink. I open the razor to reveal a crimson red stained blade. The cold steel meets my skin, it digs in, and I swipe making it cut a lone, thin gash on my arm which starts bleeding immediately.


I cut until I've realized I spells out 'I'm sorry' on my right arm and 'fuck up' on my left. I smile at the idea and draw the beautiful words, 'Bad Guy', 'Bitch', 'Loser', 'Loner', 'Cheater', etc. My skin swarms with different wounds. The most dominant and deep one reading 'DISORDER' across my chest. I smile at my work. The canvas I've filled with pain and hate. The once beautiful, pale skin now covered in blood and cuts.

Red dots swarm my vision. Time seems to slow down. I'm falling back.


The darkness consumes me...

Remy's POV

"Hey girlies!" I burst in the mind palace. I don't live in the mind palace, that's where the main sides live, but I go there often.

"Hiya kiddo!" Patton greets me, "Do you need something?"

"Yeah. I'm delivering something to Anx for some friends. I also brought him StarBucks."

"Alright. Have fun." Patton smiles. I return his smile, then walk up the stairs drinking from my coffee.

I knock on Virgil's door five times, but after the fifth, I just teleport inside. I can't find Virgil in his room and the bathroom is locked. It could be a bad idea, but...

BAM! I kick the door off it's hinges. The now empty door way reveals a half dead, bleeding, and unconscious Virgil. I place the drinks on the sink the look around for first-aid. I quickly find bandages, stitches, towels and some other things.

I clean up all the blood and begin to stitch up all the open wounds. I'm not very close with him, but Virgil was my old friend. I let out a soft sob at all the scars, all the horrible words decorating his delicate skin.

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