Anxiety And Depression-Eighteen

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Virgil's POV

I wake up laying down in my bathtub with hot water pouring onto me. I shake off my exhaustion and get out of the shower. Then I towel down and throw on my normal cloths and lay down to actually sleep in my bed. 

While I'm tossing and turning to try and find a comfortable spot I notice that I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in two days, so I should be good enough to eat, but just to he sure I won't eat much.

I get up out of bed and check my phone. 10:17 PM. Alright. I didn't sleep well into the night.

I get up and shuffle out of my room, this time I leave my door open and unlock it then walk downstairs into the kitchen. I see Logan still up reading from one of his textbooks. I figure I'd just walk past him and hopefully I didn't bother him.

"Oh hello Anxiety." I hear Logan. This makes me jump and I turn around to greet him.

"Hey Logan. Did I disturb you?"

"Not at all. I can barely even read the textbook with all the lights off."

I snicker, "We should get a desk lamp or something down here for late night study sessions."

"That would be awesome. Patton likes to come sleep in my room, and he wont allow me to study, so I find myself down here a lot."

"Mmmm. He's been sleeping in your room?"

"Yes indeed."

"That just confirms it." I say reaching up into one of the drawers to grab a bowl and a box of cereal.

"Confirms what?"

"Well. On Valentine's Day, you and Patton were acting all lovey dovey, gross by the way, but opposites do attract. I've learned that from experience."

"Oh. If opposites really do attract, you and Roman."

"Ew. No." I tell him pouring milk into my bowl.

"But what do you mean 'I've learned that from experience'?"

"Mmmm. When people are similar in personality or basically anything else, they don't go well together. They can't balance each other. They might not feel true feelings. They might do shit they regret later on."

"Okay, watch the language. And I feel like there's more to you than you're leading on."

"There always is." I grab some blueberries and throw them in the plain oat cereal then put everything away.

"Why are you so mysterious. Why don't you tell any of us your name?"

"A little mystery is fun. And I don't like my name. I got made fun of for it in the dark side of the mind palace." I smirk and grab my cereal bowl then sit next to Logan, "But, what textbook are you reading?"

"The aspect of emotion."

"Ah. The bane of your existence."

"Exactly. But Patton and Roman wanted me to learn more about them. So I went to the library and got some textbooks on emotions."

I chuckle, "There's no use in it."

"No kidding."

I smile and mutter to the point where you can't hear it, "Virgil."


"Nothing. Just, if you heard it, you'd know my name."

"Oh. Well, you're lucky I'm on an interesting chapter."

"What chapter?"

"Sadness and depression."

"Ah, my home chapter."

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