Death?-Twenty Five

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Trigger Warnings: Talk of suicide. Blood.

Roman's POV

"L-Look guys." I stutter pointing to the picture. It's horrifying. In it, Anxiety is on his knees being surrounded by a darkness full of red eyes staring at him. The background is purple with pitch black stars. Anxiety is pale as ever and there is a black fluid mixed with blood coming out of his eye sockets and his throat. I realize that the image is depicting Anxiety if he was dead. 

His throat is slit and he's bleeding out. I hear Patton sadly gasp at it when he realizes it. Logan is the last to look at it, his face is pained when he sees it.

I stand up and walk over to it. I unpin it from the wall and look at it closer. It's got a note on the back.

"Guys. There's a note on the back."

"Let me read it." Logan says readjusting his glasses upon his nose. I hand it to him and his eyes fill with pain.

"This is me." He starts, "This is me. This is me. This is me. THIS IS ME!" He stops, his eyes scan the page until he finds more words, "Here I am. Why am I here? What this is. This is how I feel. I feel dead, I feel lonely. I feel as though I don't belong in this group of wonderful, smart, creative, charming bunch of people. I'm only the bad guy, a demon of darkness. This is me, dying, actually feeling okay for once. But, I'm not okay, I always feel like this. Why? What is Mrs. Gyung telling me? That it will all be okay! That it will be over soon! That all I need is to ask for help. But, that's not what is going to help me. No, nothing can help how empty I feel inside. Darkness blossoming deep inside of me like a rose in the summer time. Expanding until it stops. But for me, when the darkness stops I'll be consumed. Dead. Finally happy."

Patton chokes out a sob, I look at him and he has tears streaming down his face. Logan sheds a few tears when he finishes. I am shattered inside.

Finally, I'm going to admit it.

The love of my life is hurting. He wants to die to feel happy. He thinks that's the only way he will feel okay.

Logan turns the paper to look at the drawing. He's looking straight into the black oily sockets where Anxiety's eyes are supposed to be. Anxiety stirs. Logan jumps up and pins the picture back to the wall.

"My head." A raspy and hoarse voice comes from behind Patton. Patton turns when he hears this. He hugs the dark trait when he sees that his eyes are open and he's okay. Logan excuses himself to get water for the boy. I give him a soft smile.

"Are you okay kiddo!" Patton asks worried.

"Y-Yea-" Anxiety coughs up a bit of blood. Patton wipes it away with a tissue.

"Mhm. Fine." Is all he can rasp out, his voice struggling.

I look at the being struggling on his bed. His head and bandages bloody.

Logan returns and hands Patton the water. Patton helps Anxiety sit up and helps him drink a sip of the water. Anxiety tries his best to weakly smile. Patton happily returns the smile.

Virgil's POV

Smiling hurts, so I stop and look at Logan who clears his throat.

"Would you mind telling us a bit about what happened?" I panic. What should I tell him?

I finally settle, "W-well." I cough, it hurts to talk, "I d-don't exactl-ly know. I" I cough up some blood again. Patton wipes the blood up and helps me drink my water. I continue, "I j-just star-ted panicking a-an-d tried get... getting to the b-bathroom to calm down. Then I-I hit my head and f-fainted." My voice comes out in a scratchy rasp and I cringe at it. I take another weak drink of the water. It helps my throat a bit.

That's when I remember. I shoot my head up to the head of my bed, the cloth is down. Then I look over to the picture that I mean't to put in my closet. It doesn't look like anyone has really seen it or touched it. Good.

"Well. Remember kiddo. If you ever need to talk to us. You can!" Patton smiles and ruffles my hair. I weakly smile back at him. The three leaves the room.

"Dear god Leo." I breathe out when I'm alone, "I'll stop Thomas and save Markus soon."

I cry. Its all I can do. I just... Break. I break down and cry. No more singing with Leo and Markus, no more friends to comfort me. No one to help me against Richard.

Seriously! Ahh! Y'all I love you all so much!

Seriously! Ahh! Y'all I love you all so much!

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