Valentine's Day (Part 2)-Ten

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Patton's POV

I look between the two. "Seriously what happened between you guys?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing Morality." Anxiety finally tells me.

"Oh... Well alright kiddos."

"Hey Anxiety. I heard a lot of music and faint singing from your room all night. What was going on." I add on.

"Oh uh," Anxiety scratches at the back of his neck, "I was painting."

"Oh! Can we see it!" Roman perks up.

"Uhm, yes. But be warned. It's slightly demented." Anxiety says rushing upstairs at almost an inhuman speed. Then before we know it rushes down with a large canvas behind his back.

Logan's POV

Anxiety rushes down and hides a large canvas behind his back. I look curiously at the large object. That's when he turns it around and shows it to us. Everyone gasps and I stare at it in astonishment.

"It is truly exquisite. You have talent." I say simply.

"Yeah. Uh thank you. I figured that since it was Valentine's Day, I would draw a heart."

Roman pops up, "It is magnificent! We must hang it up around here."

"Oh! Uhm, no thank you. I would like to keep it with my other paintings..." Anxiety explains.

"Oh that's alright kiddo!"


After we all finish eating, Thomas goes to meet up with his date, Anxiety heads to his room, and Roman goes to watch Disney movies in the living room. Patton then drags me out into his light blue room.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby!" He says to me.

"You aswell Pat."

Patton goes to his closet and pulls out a box. I excuse myself to grab the present for him. I soon return with a light blue and red box. We exchange our gifts to open them. Patton opens his first. His face lights up at the blue heart full of different chocolates that I got him, next he smiles when he see the stuffed bunny that I also bought him.

Soon enough, it's my turn to open the present he gave me. When I undo the Toy Story ribbon holding the lid to the body of the box I am startled to see a cartoon heart next to a printed out human heart. I feel a smile spread across my face as I softly move them to the side to look at the rest of gift.

I pick up a wonderful card made by my one and only. Then I open it up and read it. I can feel a the corners of my mouth lifting up and the blood rushing to my cheeks. 

I head over to my short companion and passionately kiss him. He is startled for a moment, but soon kisses me back. We pull away and Patton starts up the move Big Hero 6 for us to watch. I go to get popcorn, and when I return I sit down by my boyfriend and we begin to watch the movie.

Leo's POV

I hold Markus' hand tight as he leads my blindfolded self to wherever he is taking me. I still can't shake off the thought that Virgil hates Valentine's Day let alone that he doesn't want nor have a date. I don't understand how though, having someone like Markus is all that I could wish for. 

"We're here." Markus says in a tone slightly happier than usual. That makes me smile and squeeze his hand tight. He removes the black blindfold from my eyes to reveal where we are.

I look around in astonishment. We are at a pavilion that would normally be white and covered in bright fairy lights, but here in the dark side realm it's black with darker fairy lights all over. I note that there are plenty strands of lights snaking of the pillars holding the roof up atop. The floor beneath us is a tiled flower that has a red center. I look up and smile to Markus.

"I love it."

"Just wait!" My boyfriend says. He has his ears and tail out and I have my fangs out. Markus runs to a radio and turns on the music. He then runs back to me and gives me a big, tight hug. We share a quick kiss then begin to dance the day away.

Roman's POV

I rush into Thomas' room to help him choose a wonderful outfit for this date today. Thomas tells me that he and the boy named Anthony are going to be going to a wonderful restaurant a bit away and then they will go and watch a movie in the theaters!

"You should dress casual yet classy." I tell Thomas picking out a nice plain white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I hand them to him and he throws them on.

"Not quite. You need one more thing..." I shuffle through Thomas' drawers and closet. Soon enough I see the perfect accessory. I pull a black jacket and immediately think of Anxiety. Is that why I picked it out? It looks just like Anxiety's. I think to myself as I hand the jacket off.

Thomas puts the jacket over his shoulders and goes to his mirror to fix his hair. He smiles to me then rushes off the the front door. I quickly follow the man to wave him farewell.

When I make it down the stairs I see Anxiety talking to Thomas. I'm about to get defensive before I hear.

"Thomas. You're not wearing it right." Anxiety tells Thomas adjusting his jacket to a different position.

"There." He says stepping back a bit, "Now it should be more comfortable for you, and if you ever need to you can easily slip it off or put your hood on. I should know."

"Thanks Anxiety. It does actually make me more comfortable."

"Exactly, that's why you wear jackets like that." Anxiety says adjusting his own jacket on his shoulders.

"I'll keep that in mind." Thomas smiles as I head toward them.

"Thomas. Are you ready for your date?" I ask.

"Yes! Alright guys. I'm off, have a good time."

"You too!" I smile and wave to him as he gets into his car.

I then turn to Anxiety, "What was that about?"

"Oh, me fixing his jacket?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't expect you to do something like that."

"I can't stand knowing that people might get uncomfortable in their jackets. It increases my anxiety. So I had to help Thomas or it would annoy me all night. Which would make everything worse for him."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Yeah." Anxiety finishes off before heading over to the DVD player. He summons a movie and puts it in then heads to the kitchen. Next, he pops a bag of popcorn, puts it in a large bowl, and salts.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"I don't like Valentine's Day so I usually watch a movie." The dark figure tells me sitting down on the corner of the couch and grabbing the remote.

"Why don't you like Valentine's Day?"

"It's useless. There are things like anniversaries and dates. They are just on random days. But with Valentine's Day, it's just one day to celebrate love, one day to rub love into the single people's faces. On the exact same day, every year. Plus I think love is stupid. But I might like it more if there was a day for single people and people who went through something hard."

"Interesting." I conclude after thoroughly considering what I was just explained.

"Yup. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to watch a movie." Anxiety concludes clicking a button on the remote and start the movie he was watching. Surprisingly he's watching Hunchback of Notre Dame. I walk up the stairs and into my room.

Virgil's POV

I know that Markus is taking Leo to the old pavilion for Valentine's Day, so I can't hang out with them. I don't want to ruin their wonderful date. I wish them the best of the times, but I really am not looking for love and relationships. 

I end up falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the movie.

Okay So! The bolded parts, despite the POVs, those are my thoughts on Valentine's Day. I tremendously relate to Virgil, so I put some of my thinking into his and include that in my writing. Sometimes I will point out my perspective or what I believe that I think Virgil would think in there.

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