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Yall, I know I said that I probably wouldn't make a second book somewhere in here... but... I have been thinking, I could find the motivation to write a second book eventually and I have ideas, but a lot of the beginning and end would be almost pure angst. It may or may not start with breakups... I would like y'alls opinion on it.

Also if I do it, Leo's name will NOT change to Janus. It's a good name and I love Janus but due to me being lazy and really not wanting to go through all of this book just to change the name I gave Janus before we knew his name (I also really like the name Leo for him) in this book (maybe series) it will always be Leo. Idc if it triggers you or something, if you really are mad at that tiny factor0 then you can eat dirt, cry me a river, and stop reading this book.

Anyways, I'm just asking for your opinion, would you all want a second book? It probably would be mostly angst (which I'm too happy to write right now so it won't happen immediately if you want a second book) and it WILL NOT be Prinxiety and most likely not Logicality, but Leo and Markus will stay together. (I can also kill Richard off in the book, I was actually thinking of adding a bonus chapter in this one of him being brutally murdered but if I do end up doing this, that can be in one of the first chapters but there will be another bad guy, one that yall love [either way he'll be the bad guy]).

If you do want it to happen, please vote on ships(only vote for one):

Virgil ships:



Remus x Virgil

Remy x Virgil (He'd have to break up with Emile)

Single Virgil

Virgil x Remy x Emile

Virgil x Emile

Virgil x Logan x Patton


Roman ships:



Roman x Remy

Roman x Emile

Roman x Remy x Emile

Single Roman

Roman x Leo x Markus (really fuck up Virgil)

Roman x Logan x Patton


Other ships:

Remus x Leo x Markus

Remus x Logan

Remus x Patton

Remus x Logan x Patton

Logan x anyone else

Patton x anyone else

Logan x Patton x anyone else

Single Logan

Single Patton

Single Remy

Single Emile

Single Remus


Update: I was gonna write this week, but yesterday my family, my cousins, aunt, uncle, my friend, her dad, her dad's girlfriend, and the girlfriend's daughter went kayaking and paddleboarding and swimming but something bad happened with me being involved in the accident (everyone involved is alright I promise) but anxiety is chewing me out rn. I'm also incredibly sunburnt because I'm am the shade of dead. So I'll try and get the first few chapters out soon. Sorry about the inconvenience!

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