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Virgil's POV (This is a slight time skip)

I sit on the bus with my three companions. I have headphones on to ignore the noise of the public bus.

Patton is going to the store to get food for us, Logan is going to the library for more books, and Roman is going to one of his performances. Meanwhile, no one knows where I'm going but me. I've taken a weird curiosity in zodiacs and auras. I am going to a professional aura reader to get them to tell me my aura and start teaching me how to read auras.

I smile at the thought, but no one sees it as I'm staring out the window.

The bus comes to a stop and the speaker and sign says, "Will-burrow Mart." Patton and six others stand up and exit the bus. Soon, it begins moving again.

The bus stops again and the speaker says, "Skar Mall." Three teenagers get off. From what I can tell, two of the girls are together as I saw them making out when I was going to my seat as I got on, and the other is their friend. They pay, exit, and run off.

Next, the speakers come over, "BOOKS Library." Logan is the only one that gets off.

We pass two more stops before the bus screeches to a halt, "Town Central Performing Hall." Roman and a ton of other theater geeks get off and rush away laughing and joking about. There are about half the people as there were before, but those theater geeks were so loud.

Finally I hear the speaker come over, "Facty Counseling and Psyche." That's my stop, so I get up and leave. When I get off, make sure my hood is still flipped up on my head and my music is loud enough for me to ignore the world.

I walk through the front double doors and wait in one of the customer lines. I already stopped by here a few days ago to register and start sessions, it's like getting therapy or counseling.  Soon, the person in front of me is up. They sign in and walk away.

"Name and reason for being here sir?"

"Virgil Sanders, I'm here to get my aura read and to start in lessons."

"Of course. Walk down the hallway right there and the last room to the left is the waiting room for you. Go and wait there. You're reader and trainer is Mrs. Gyung."

"Alright thank you." I say and walk to where she told me. I take a seat and pull out my phone. I pause my music and pull my headphones so they are resting around my neck then start to play a game on my phone.

Half an hour pasts when I finally hear, "Virgil Sanders." I look up and see the woman's name tag Mrs. Gyung. I stand up and go to talk to her. She is an older woman, short with short curly brown hair. She has a white polo shirt on and a long blue skirt with a thin brown belt. Her figure is quite well built and she looks fairly strong and professional.

"That would be me."

"Alright. We can talk more in my office, follow me please."

I follow her as she walks through some very complicated hallways.

She opens a door and sits down at her desk, "Take a seat on the couch dear."

I do as I'm told and sit down on the brown leather cushioned couch. I flip my hood down.

"So, I'm Mrs. Gyung. I have been a professional aura reader for 34 years. I have also done counseling for 20 years. I have trained over twenty people and some of them work here to this day. Can you tell me more about yourself?"

"Well, I'm Virgil. I live in a house with six other men." I pause and think, "I like to stay away in my room and not really talk to anybody. I have really bad anxiety and slight depression."

"Have you ever been in counseling."

"Yeah, I was in counseling for two years to help me."

"Did it help you at all?"

"Yeah. It helped tame my anxiety a little bit, it is also what got me into music."

"Now, I can tell you like black."

"And dark purple, yes."

"Alright. I need you to sit still while I do this."

I nod and sit still. The room goes silent and the air fills with something unusual. I have a tendency to feel shifts in the atmosphere that none of the others can, so I ignore it. I figure that it's because I'm undead. She stares at me for a moment.

She soon sits back in her chair and smiles at me, "So, it seems as though you have a black aura. It can be cured."

"What does black mean?"

"Well it can mean many things. But, they are all very similar. A black aura is usually a sign the person is holding on to powerful negative emotions. This emotional response blocks the flow of throughout the chakras energy system. Harboring negative thoughts and feelings can taint your aura with black steaks and if it goes unchecked, it can grow and spread. Anger and hatred can transform positive chakra energy into negative energy and blacken your. The can also reveal a person unwilling to forgive. A black aura can show up in different regions of your body. This type of darkening in the is usually where disease resides within your body." She says sounding like a robot. (BTW I found all of this on the article

I sigh, "Most of those feel true."

"Okay, well how long have you been feeling like that."

"Most of my life. It slowly got worse over the years, and here I am now."

"Well, we can work on improving that as we go and learn." She smiles. "But right now, would you like to start your training."


--------A few hours later---------

"Alright. Today's training is done. You can head home now."

I stand up, "Goodnight Mrs. Gyung."

"Night night Virgil."

I walk out of the door and navigate my way through the halls. I'm going to have to get used to them, because I come here every other Wednesday. I buy a ticket for the public bus on my phone and wait for it to stop by.

The bus stops in front of me and the doors open. I walk in and scan the online ticket.

Logan is the only one I know on the bus right now. I assume Roman and Patton are both home. I sit a dew seats away from Logan, he is reading.

A few stops later I make myself present "Hey Logan. Uh, what are you reading?"

Logan looks up at me then out of the window, "Did you just get on?"


"Oh. Alright then. I am reading Sherlock Holmes."

"Cool. I assume that Roman and Patton are already home."

"Yes. It is quite late."

"True. Isn't it like nine at night?"

"Yes indeed. Now, do you mind me asking what you were doing at the lock shop?"

"Oh, uhm. A few of my locks broke and I needed to replace with the right key."

"Hmm. Then where are the locks?"

"I've got them in my pockets. Here is the key." I pull out a key that Mrs. Gyung gave me if I ever needed to get in and into her room after they close. Plus she told me what hours she is there. Logan has never seen the key to my locks as I always have it hidden away so he simply shrugs and goes back to reading. I let a small breath that I didn't realize I was holding out. Logan is usually one about skeptics and likes to thoroughly look into things, so I wasn't expecting this.

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