Anxiety!-Twenty Three

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Trigger Warnings: Panic attack and swearing.

Virgil's POV

We enter the dark realm and see many other devils walking around. We walk in the door and rush to my room.

I unlock my door and head inside. Then I throw on my jacket and apply my usual makeup. I don't, however, bother about changing my torn and dirty T-shirt or jeans. Then I walk to Leo's room.

The door comes open before I have the chance to knock. I'm pulled in.

"VIRGIL! BUDDY WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I'm embraced in a hug. Markus.

"H-hey Markus."

"Oh yeah! Leo told me everything. Heres some blood." He pulls away grabbing a blood bag off the shelf next to us. AB+ my favorite.

It's hard, but I let my fangs out and bite into the bag and drink the blood. Its smooth and refreshing.

"Thanks Markus."

"No problem."

"And thank you too Leo. For coming to get me." I hand him his cloak, "Giving me your cloak and helping me on the bus."

"No problem bud! What I'm worried about it the panic attacks. And why you've been hiding your hands."

I sigh. "I had panic attacks almost everyday. And I would thrash trying to get out which..." I show them my bleeding and bruised wrists. "I was handcuffed to a wall. And the handcuffs had sharp studs. I didn't notice till I got free."

"Bud!" Leo shouts. I lick the blood off my wrists. The two inspect it and wrap my wrists with medicated bandages. They hurt, but I'm okay with it.

"Now. Let's go to the light side realm?" I ask.

"Yeah. You should get some proper rest though. So no partying."

I roll my eyes "Like that will happen."

We say our goodbyes and I walk out of the apartment. Then I transfer into the light realm. God! Everything is so bright here.

I step in the door. Logan is reading worridly on the couch. Roman is failing to sing. And Patton is cleaning up the kitchen silently. No smiles. Tears shedding.

"Um. H-hi." I weakly mutter.


Roman and Logan look up immediately.

I wave when they see me.

Then, I'm consumed by hugs. Mainly from Roman and Patton. Logan gave me a "I need to talk to you later" look. I nod then look down.

"Alright. Alright guys. You know I don't like hugs."

The two immediately back off of me.

"Right sorry kiddo. I'm just so happy your back."

"Yeah. Well. I've had a pretty trashy week. So I'm going to head to bed." I tell them. They nod and I make my way to the stairs, brushing Logan's shoulder and whispering "We can talk now." So only  he could hear. He nods and soon walks away.

Patton's POV

I give Logan and Anxiety a look. I've never seen Anxiety purposely make comtact with someone. Let alone Logan! And Logan was okay with the contact.

I turn to Roman, "Did you see that." He looked just as puzzled as me.

"I did. Anxiety touched Logan..."

"And Logan accepted it."

"Plus,  Anxiety whispered to Logan. They are hiding something."

"Yeah." We sit down on the couch and start to think of possiblities. Soon we hear talking. Questions. And mumbles for answers.

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