Alone Again-Twenty Four

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Roman's POV

Maybe I was just hearing things. After a few minutes I walk out and lay down in my bed for the night.

Leo's POV

I slip the note under the door and hurry back to Markus.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"This is the best option." I respond glumly.

"I'm fading. And Virgil knows right?"

"He's trying to stop it." I tell him. He nods, and with that we teleport away.

Virgil's POV

I wake up at my usual time. 4:15 AM. I get up and notice a yellow envelope held shut with a red stamp. Walking towards it, I pick it up and sit down at my desk.

Dear Virge,

Thomas won't stop taking his depression pills. So Markus and I are going to be spending a few years in the demon realm.
Also, despite the fact that we know it will hurt you more, Markus is going to be putting more of his energy into you so he can't disappear. We are really sorry. Best of wishes.

You're friend,

I drop the letter on my desk and fall off my chair in a panic attack.

"Who's gonna protect me. I'm going to be lonely again. This is going to be hard for me." I rasp out to myself, "I'm just going to go back to normal. I already know. Then everyone will hate me."

I rasp out a few more things before I can barely breathe. My shakiness is uncontrollable and sobs are ripping through my throat. I crawl to the bathroom and grab my razor.





I can only take ten right now. I pull down my sleeves and cover up my scars. The razor drops next to me and slides under the sink as my head bashes into the tile. The last thing I see is red.

Then everything goes pitch black as I'm consumed.

Thomas' POV

"How's the research going?" I asked Logan.


"What do you mean by that?" I asked concerned. I quickly moved over to him from across my room and looked at the computer.

"Well, there are many different websites all with different turnouts after a while on depression and anxiety pills."

"So should I really continue taking depression pills. And start taking anxiety pills like Richard recommended?"

Logan goes silent.

"I think Richard is... Being Richard. But, you could probably take mild anxiety pills and lower your intake of depression ones. To two tablets a day. One at night and one in the morning. Just taking two less pills."

"Alright I'll do that."

"I'm heading to the store to pick up pills." I stop when I hear a loud thud. I look over to Logan who looks just as confused as I am.

"You go. I'll figure this out."

"I nod and walk out."

Roman's POV

"A spoonful of sugar help the medi-"


My song is cut off by a loud thud coming from Anxiety's direction. I thought he was in the kitchen. Soon I hear feet running down the hall.

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