Anxiety's Leaving-Thirty Two

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Trigger Warnings: Fighting, Depression, Swearing

Roman's POV

I turn around to see Virgil snuggling his face into Remy's shirt. Remy brushes his fingers through Virgil's hair. Disgusting. He's already moved on.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much!" I hear Virgil say, an emotion I can't pick out lacing his voice. 

I rush home and burst through the front door, "That lying, cheating, bitch!" I shout. That startles both Logan and Patton.

"What are you talking about?" Patton asks.

"Just as my feeling grew for Anxiety, I found out he's a cheater and was cheating on me. I saw him and Remy cuddling at Starbucks. He's already moved on!" I shout. Logan rolls his eyes and stands up to look at me in the face. His stone cold eyes stare at me.

"Are you sure they were cuddling? Who told you he was a cheater? What made you believe he would cheat? Did they say anything at Starbucks?" He questions.

"I am one hundred percent sure they were cuddling. Richard told me he was a cheater. Richard was cheated on by Anxiety, he told me he caught Anxiety making out with someone in his room. And Anxiety kept repeatedly thanking Remy." I tell him. Logan, once again, sighs rubbing his temples.

"You're being ridiculous. I'll tell you what I know later, but you need to calm down." He says, walking upstairs. I look to Patton, he just shrugs and follows Logan. I rub at my temples as confusion sets in.

Virgil's POV

I smile at the waiter as he hands me a simple lined paper and a pencil along with a few markers.

"What are you gonna write?"

"You'll see." I offer a small smile and begin to write two notes.

Dear Leo and Markus,
I got your letter. I'm going through somethings (Roman broke up with me because of Richard) but I'm recovering. Remy gave me the offer to live with him, I accepted. So, I will be in a better place with better people. Hope you guys are doing well. That's really all. See you soon.

Your friend,

Dear Patton,
You are probably wondering where I am, well. I've gone to live with a better friend. It's for the better for everyone. I'll miss you. Bye dad.


I show Remy the letters, he scans over them then nods, "Yeah. That's all you really need. At midnight, I'll be at your window. Be ready by then." I nod then teleport back to my room. I begin packing.

I don't really have much, but it still takes a while because I spend a lot of time looking at every painting and drawing I have. Which, there are a lot.

I write a few letters and leave a few things under my bed. Next, I go over my plan in a mirror a few times. Once that's all sorted out, I tell Patton I'm not hungry.

Good, good. There is no use in eating. It'll just make you fatter. You're too fat.

A few hours later

It's about 11:30 PM. About time. Remy already took the letter to Leo and Markus. All I need to do is give Patton the letter and leave. I walk to Patton's door and knock. Then I lay the open letter outside his door and rush to my room to wait.




Thunk! A rock slams into my window, telling me that Remy is here. I slide the locks open and wave to the boy on the ground two stories down. He waves back as I look at my now plain walls (his normal walls are stored in Thomas' memory. But he turned the room to a normal looking one.) and toss my stuff over the ledge. I then throw one leg over the ledge.

Patton's POV 11:40

I hear a knock on my door. It wakes me up fully. I get up slowly and make my way to the door quietly as to not wake up Logan. I open the door and see a small letter laying on the floor. I pick it up and read it.


I write a quick note saying, "Woke up early gonna talk to Anxiety," place it on the bedside table, and rush out. I slip down the hall way to Anxiety's room, only to be greeted by a normal door! The plain door is tan colored and has a classic gold doorknob. 

I slam my fist on it, and that alerts Logan. My boyfriend comes rushing through the halls, accidentally running into me. We burst the door open, only to see Anxiety jumping from the ledge of his window.

I fall to my knees as the hood to Anxiety's jacket falls out of view. Strong hands wrap around me, and I notice that Logan is crying as well. They really were great friends, weren't they?

"Let's not tell Roman. This might make him worse. His jumping to conclusions and short temper have already caused enough problems." Whispers Logan as we are sluggishly walking back to my room for bed. I nod, tears staining my face.

Sorry it's so short! The next one is going to have more drama in it and LOTS of tears.

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