Devils and Angels-Twenty One

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Roman's POV

I fall to my knees in tears. He just ran. Ran away, after shouting horrible things about himself. Who put all of those things inside his head. I've only really ever called him a bad guy. Patton wouldn't have said that. Logan is to smart to use language like that. Thomas might've, but I don't think that he'd go that far.

I grab the slippery pole and hoist myself to a standing position, my knees weak. I wipe my tears and slowly make my way back home.

I open the door and attempt to slowly close it, but I fall forward onto the door. It makes a loud slamming sound and I just collapse.

Patton rushes to me, "Roman! What's wrong? How'd it go?"

"It went horrible."

"Let's get you on the couch and you can tell me about it."

I nod and take my shoes off. Patton helps me stand up and I take my jacket off my waist and drape it around my shoulders. Patton sits down and I lay by him. He plays with my hair.

"What happened kiddo?"

"Well. He found me. And his voice was really shaky and hard to hear over the water."

"Right. Makes sense."

"And he asked why. I started to explain that I wanted him there because I wanted to confess, but he cut me off."


"He asked why I loved him. Then he started screaming bad things about himself to me."

"What did he say?"

"That he's just the bad guy. The emo monstrosity that just hides in his room and in the background. That he's just the guy that ruins everything for Thomas."

"Then what?"

"He just... ran."


"I don't know. He just booked it while crying then disappeared behind a bunch of buildings."

"I'm sorry kiddo."

Virgil's POV

"What do you want fallen angel?" I spit out looking up at Richard.

"Why can't I just see and talk to my ex."

"Because of all the shit you put in my head!" I shout at him, my wings come out and I start flying above him. "Because of all the pain you put me through. Because of all the fucked up things you did to me and made me do!"

Richard is taken aback by my sudden outburst, "My god Virgin! You've gone insane."

"Maybe that's because of you!" I land hard back on the ground but it doesn't affect me.

"What is going on down here!?" I hear Leo's voice coming down the stairs.

Leo's POV

I turn the corner and see Virge's torn up wings and Richard.

"Leave him alone bitch." I shout at Richard.

Richard turns and faces me, "What's so bad about me talking to my ex?"

"What's bad is that you're even trying anymore. You make his life horrible, and you think that you can just talk to him like you've been best friends for years a few years later?"

"Well, yeah. Haven't we been friends for years."

"Since when were we friends." Virgil says darkly.

"Since we broke up."

"No... No, we have NEVER AND WILL NEVER AGAIN BE BEST FRIENDS!" Virgil shouts. Even I'm surprised by it as he usually doesn't like yelling nor conflict.

"But, we're buds right?" Richard asks, his tone worried.

"No. We are NOT buds, we are NOT friends, we ARE exes and I hope to NEVER have any contact with you the rest of my life you stupid fallen angel."

I forget that Richard is a fallen angel. He is Protectiveness. Which can be bad and good. We call the light-siders 'angels' and the dark-siders 'devils'. Fallen angels are angels that have been expelled from heaven, because they might have something to do with hell, or because they did something bad. But, in our terms angels are people that 'help Thomas' and devils are people that 'ruin everything for Thomas' fallen angels are people that can 'help Thomas' or 'ruin everything for Thomas'. 

I remember sitting on the stairs when Virge asked Richard why they broke up. The horrible shit he shouted at Virgil are the same things some angels tell us devils. Even fallen angels. Richard likes to hang out with us devils, I don't know why, but he does even though he can hang out with the angels.

Richard disappears and Virgil runs to me. I consume him in a hug, "What's wrong Virge."


"What did that bastard do this time?!" I ask very protectively.

(Incase you haven't noticed. The dark-siders swear a lot more than the light-siders. and Virgil likes to swear or use bad language, he just tries to monitor it when he's around the light-siders because they don't swear)

"He." Virgil takes a deep breath, "He loves me and asked to meet him on the bridge to confess. I couldn't handle it."

"No kidding. After that torture with Richard, I don't think anyone will want to fall in love again. He literally abused you!"


I guide him up to his room and lay him down on his bed.

"You can head back into the light-sider world if you want. Or do you want to hang out with Markus and I then get some blood later."

"Yeah. That second option sounds best."

"Alright." I help him up and into my door. Markus looks up at us.

"What happened?"

"Roman confessed to Virge and he couldn't handle it. Then Richard bugged him."


Patton's POV

"Yeah. I just saw him." Richard told us. I'm holding Logan's hand super tight.

"W-Where is he?" Roman sniffles

"Oh. He's out having fun."

"I thought he ran away crying." I question Roman.

"H-He did."

"Not anymore. He's having a grand old time now."

"With who?" Roman asks

"Oh. He's having fun with a kid named Leo."

I turn my head to Logan and mouth, "Didn't he say Leo was one of Thomas' childhood bullies?"

Logan subtly nods. I look to Roman and he's just as confused as me.

"Well. I just saw him out in one of the cafes near the border of the town."


Richard disappears as soon as he came.

I turn to Roman, "It's okay."

"Yes. It will all be alright Roman."

Roman doubtfully nods.

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