Where's Virgil-Twenty Two

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(This is a week later)

Logan's POV

No one has been able to find Anxiety since Roman came home a week ago.

I decide that it's time to go into his room and summon Deceit.

I teleport into Anxiety's room when no one is around. I lock the door and look around for him. His room has already been searched, but I check again.

"Deceit!" I call out.

"What!?" Deceit asks angrily teleporting into the room.

"Where is Anxiety?" I ask sternly.

"I don't know." He snaps, "We haven't been able to find him since Tuesday."

I groan, "Then where would he be? You know him better than any of us."

"I think Richard has him."

"Richard? How do you know him? And why do you think that?"

"Richard is a good and bad aspect, therefore he can be in the dark realm or the light realm. I think that because, Richard is Anxiety's abusive ex. He's been a little to friendly and open when it comes to Anxiety recently. Since he came to the dark realm on Saturday or Sunday. He's really not as good as you light-siders think."

"He's Protectiveness. That means he can get over protective of things, even if they aren't his anymore."

"Exactly. You are smart."

I give him my phone number, "If you figure anything else out, text me. I'll come here and we can talk about it."

He takes it, "Alright. You might want to head out." With that, he's gone.

I teleport out only to be caught by Patton.

"Hey Lo," He says, his voice worried, "What were you doing in there."

"Making sure he didn't come back. I don't think we've checked today."

"Oh. Okay. I hope we find him soon."

Virgil's POV

I finally manage to break my chains. Everything is blurry, so I try to blink it out. It helps a bit but not much.

My magic doesn't work in this workhouse so I look for an opening. Richard is out right now.

Aha! I see an open window up on the roof. I stand and fall, but get up again. My wings come out and I fly out of the window. I then transform into a raven so I don't look like a human with wings flying through the sky, and so Richard can't tell it's me. I don't think he knows that I can transform or know how to.

I fly for as long as I can, but I haven't eaten much recently so I'm super weak. I scan the area I'm in for a place that I know or know someone there. I see the counseling center. It's about 8:30 PM so it's still open, but I don't want to walk in the front doors.

I land at the back of the building and use the key that Mrs. Gyung gave to me. I transform back into my human form and make sure my wings are hidden.

Click! The door unlocks, I put my key in my pocket and sneak in. I close it quietly behind me and crawl past the empty rooms around me just in case someone is in there. Finally, I reach Mrs. Gyung's office. I knock on the door five times and the door swings open.

"Ah! Virgil are you okay? I started getting worried when you missed Wednesday without calling in."

"Yeah yeah. Can you let me in?"

"Of course."

I follow her in and she locks the door.

"Oh My God! You're limping and bloody. What happened to you? Do I need to call an ambulance."

"Nevermind that. My phone broke during... something... and I need you to call someone for me. Their name is Leo."

"Alright. What is their number?"


She dials the number and puts the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, this is Mrs. Gyung from the Facty Counseling and Psyche Center. Is this Leo?"


"I have Virgil Sanders. He told me to call you."

Louder mumbles.

"Yes, you can talk to him." She says and hands me the phone.

I take it and put it up to my ear, "Hello? Leo?"

"Oh thank god Virgil! We've been so worried about you! Where have you been?"


"Say no more. I have Logan's number. I can text him to go get you."

"No, I want you to."


"Richard knows that Logan can't fight him. But, you can. Just in case he finds me again."

"Oh, alright. I'll be there in 10."

"Alright." I say and Leo hangs up.

I hand the phone back to Mrs. Gyung.

"What was that all about?"

"I was taken captive by an abusive ex of mine. I've been locked up in an abandoned warehouse with minimal food. I just escaped and made my way here."

"Oh dear! Let me get you some food."

"Oh, no thanks. My friend will be coming in about ten minutes."

"No! I insist on getting you food. I'll be right back." Before I can say anything else, she is out of the room.

Soon she returns with a sandwich and some chips on a plate, "Here you go hun. I'm going to tell the receptionists that when Leo Sanders comes to tell him to come to my room for you."

"Yes. Thank you so much Mrs. Gyung."

"Not a problem at all."

I smile as she closes the door and I start to eat.

Leo's POV

I arrive at the Counseling Center and rush into the front doors. I get into one of the short lines and wait.

"What's your name and why are you here?" The receptionist asks.

"I'm Leo Sanders."

"Oh! Mrs. Gyung was looking for you. Walk down that hallway right there and turn left. Then go in the only other hallway and follow that until you find her room."

"Thank you!" I say and rush off.

I find the door that has a sign that says Mrs. Gyung. I figure that's her and I knock on the door. Soon it comes open and I see Virgil. I fling myself at him, knocking the empty plate in hands to the floor.

"Everyone was so worried about you!"

"I doubt it. Maybe you and Markus, maybe Patton, but I couldn't see anyone else worrying about me."

"You need to give yourself more credit." I get up and turn to Mrs. Gyung, "Thank you so much! For contacting me and allowing me to come in."

"No problem at all! Virgil is one of my clients and I will do anything I can to help them."

I smile and we walk out. We take seats on the bus and I notice that Virgil is doing something.

He's shaking and biting his lip while playing with his bangs. That's when I notice, he's not wearing makeup, doesn't have his jacket, hasn't had blood in a while, and probably hasn't heard music in a while.

I take my cloak off and wrap it around him. He gives me a confused look. "It'll give the impression of your jacket until we get it." I tell him. He nods.

I lean close to his ear and whisper "We'll get some blood soon." He smiles and I start to him, soon he joins me.

We reach the bus stop that's near Thomas' apartment. We walk there.

"Let's go into the dark side realm first. That way you can get your makeup and jacket then Markus can give you blood." I tell him. He nods.

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