-Chapter 7-

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-About 30 minutes later, after introductions included-

 You were sitting on the couch bored out of your mind, and then you remembered why Toby was chasing Masky around. he was yelling; 'Give me back my Y/n picture!!'. You blushed, "why the hell would he have a picture of me?" you thought.

 You thought about Toby for a few more minutes. 'Hatchets' then you remembered; the same day you were taken to the mansion, the only mother like figure, the only good person in your life, Died, she had cuts that were so deep they looked like cuts an axe or hatchet would make. Toby uses hatchets.

 Toby killed the woman who was going to make your life better. She had finally convinced her husband to adopt you, you had a chance at having a good family. You got up from your spot on the couch, walking to Toby's room. You felt tears welling up in your eyes as you knocked on the door.

 A "C-come i-n!" was heard from the other side.

 You walked in, head down.

 Toby sat up from his bed, looking at you. "Y/-n? a-are you-?"

 "Toby." you cut him off. "D-did you kill somebody named Delilah Amber? she was killed the day you, Masky, and Hoodie kidnapped me." You asked, sight getting blurry from the tears in you eyes.

 He twitched, looking at you with wide eyes. "I-i-i..." He couldn't say it, he couldn't tell you. You would hate him if he told you the truth, but he didn't want to lie either.

 "Toby tell me!" you yelled, your tears rolled down your face as you looked into his eyes. They were full of guilt.

 "Y-you did. Didn't you?!" you asked, heart-broken. You couldn't say you didn't have a crush on Toby, you did, but you weren't sure that would be true anymore.

 Toby nodded, looking to the floor. He didn't want to look at you while you were crying.

 "She was going to adopt me Toby! She was like a mother to me! and you knew it! I fucking hate you!" You screamed at him, the whole mansion could hear you.

 Hoodie and Masky ran in, worried as all hell. "What the fuck did you do now, Toby?!" masky yelled/asked Toby, as Hoodie picked you up, they were both absolutely pissed to find you screaming and crying in Toby's room.

 Toby didn't say anything as he twitched.

 Hoodie knew exactly what Masky was going to do, he couldn't stop it, he had to help you anyway, so, he left the room, closing the door, carrying you to your room as you cried into his hoodie. Not even a minute after Hoodie set you down on your bed, Masky walked in. Both men stood in front of you, without masks on, and you could see their worried expressions.

 "Y/n, what happe-" Hoodie was saying, but you cut him off. "Toby killed the only good person in my life. She was going to adopt me." You said, still crying, few sobs still escaping your mouth.

 The two men stood a couple inches apart, not even a foot away from you. Masky pulled you up into a hug, he was taller than you, so you cried into his chest, as you pulled hoodie into the hug aswell. The three of you stood there for at least 15 minutes, and then you fell asleep. 

 "All that crying must have worn her out." Hoodie said, laying you on your bed.

 "I guess so. Hey, Brian, do you love Y/n?" Masky said/asked, leaning against the wall.

 "Yeah, I do. You do too, Tim." Hoodie said, pulling the covers over you.

 "Yeah, yeah, whatever Brian." said Tim walking out.

 Hoodie kissed your forehead, and followed Tim out of the room, turning off the light.

-End of chapter 7-

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