-Chapter 15-

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-"Y/n!?" The three of them yelled-


"Y/n, If you don't say anything were gonna break the door down!" Yelled Toby.

 There was no response.

Next thing you know, the door is kicked down. Your sitting on the windowsill, looking at the ground, the moonlight reflecting on your tears.

"Y/n, get away from the window." Masky said.

 "Why? I don't care what happens." You said, leg hanging out.

 "Please, Y/n. I care." Toby said.

 Hoodie cleared his throat, "We care, all three of us. BEN, Sally, Slender, EJ, LJ, LuLu, Everyone, other than Jeff, cares. Us more than others." He said.

"How do you three care more? or better yet, at all." you said, slowly sliding out the window.

 "I-" Said Toby, "We love you.", said Hoodie and masky.

 "What?" you said, and slipped through the window.

 The whole word seemed as it was going in slow motion, as you tried to grab Brian's hand. You weren't screaming, but you were crying. You had what you asked for, death. You saw the looks of horror in Toby's, Brian's, and Tim's faces, until your sight got blurry from tears. 

You whispered "I love you too.", and closed your eyes, not wanting to see their faces.

You hit the ground.

You eyes shot open, as you sat up from bed.

"It was a dream? Oh thank Zalgo!" you thought.

 Today, was actually annual proxies' day off. You got dressed in 2/f/c leggings, a black T-shirt, your f/c hoodie(Which goes down to you mid-thigh, so, no ass jokes today), and black combat boots. You set off downstairs. Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were arguing, about, you? odd.

 "hey, losers." You said, walking over to the couches, where they were.

 They stopped arguing and looked at you, Brian was wearing black hoodie, and gray sweatpants, Tim was wearing a flannel, no tan jacket, and denim jeans, and Toby was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, and black pants. No masks, or anything on any of them.

 "Sup Y/n!" said Toby, smiling.

 "The ceiling, Toby." You said, sarcastically.

Tim and Brian started laughing.

 "You know that's not what I meant." Toby said, annoyed.

"Yeah I know. Anyway, so, no masks, huh? we are home alone?" You said/asked.

They nodded.

"Hell yeah!" You said running up to the T.V., turning it on, and connecting your phone to it, using YouTube.

"BEN's surround sound in here will be perfect!" you said, starting to turn the T.V. up.

"Oh lord..." Said Hoodie

 You started playing 'Roaring 20's' By Panic! at the disco. May I just say; it was loud, like, really loud. You pushed the couches, with some help from the other three, to make a bigger space. You danced to the music. Next played 'Death of a bachelor', by the same person. After that it was Your favorite song (one that's good to dance to). This went on for a while, but Toby, Tim, and Brian, actually danced with you.

  It was a hour-and-a-half later, you had moved the couches back, and were now having a Marvel movies marathon with Brian, Tim, and Toby, as, nobody was coming home for a while. You were eating poptarts and f/s/f (favorite snack food), Toby was eating chips, and Tim and Brian were eating popcorn. (sorry if you don't like Marvel movies!) You were enjoying this.

-End of chapter 15-

I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Did I fool you?The fluff has returned!!

So, who should confess first?

Let me know in the comments!

C'ya in the next chapter, Love you guys so much!

Derpy out!~

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