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Hey everyone, Derpy here! This is really important news, so please keep reading!

1: I'm writing another book! It's called "Who says "Normal"?" it's a FNaF night guards x Reader! (And will hopefully have a good storyline, with STRUCTURE!!)

2: The cover contest has been over for a while, and I only got 1 entry! So the winner is: oliverthehoodini!! Congratz! I loved it so much! Your mistake in the title was actually one of the things I liked! I realize the title is irrelevant to the story, and the mistake is better!

3: Small title change! Instead of "Same ways" it will be "Right ways".

4: lastly I will be making a schedule! I will try to use it, but if I don't I apologize.
    Sundays: Who says "Normal"?
    Wednesdays: I'll post either, this is the day I post If I just want to, or if I missed the last update.
    Saturdays: Messed up in all the right ways

That's all for now! I am sorry for the last chapter! Cya later!

Derpy out!~

Messed up in all the right ways {proxies X reader}Where stories live. Discover now