-Chapter 22(Part 3)-

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(Today I watched Spiderman: Into the spider-verse! I FUCKIN' LOVED IT! (And Spider-man Noir) Any of you guys know a Spider-Noir X reader? I haven't found any and it makes me sad AF. WHY SO MANY MILES X READERS?!)

-Time skip, two days later(She did go to Sally's party btw, just with Ben as friends, and avoided her exes)(TW!! Cutting mentioned/Implied)-

Y/n was laying on her bed, crying, bloodied wrists covered in bandages. Sure, she had stopped, but she couldn't help doing it, it was calling her. And the fact her best-friend was dead, wasn't much better. (Not BEN, of course.)


 Masky, Toby, and Hoodie, entered Jeremy's house, and Y/n was screaming at them to not kill Jeremy, or they would be over. But they did, all three of them. Ben didn't try and stop them, instead he took Y/n away, through the TV, and brought her back to see Jeremy again, to say a 'Goodbye'. (SKSK i'm trying way too hard not to cry) They had to leave before they could move him, because of the sound of sirens. When they got home, Jeremy's death was on the news, and Y/n couldn't handle it. She had went up to her room, ignoring the voices calling out to her.


Y/n laid there, until she heard a knock on her door. "Who is it?" she croaked, her throat sore.

"It's me, it's Brian..." He said, through the door.

She scoffed, saying, "Go away.", rolling over on her bed.

"Look, I know i'm one of the last people you want to talk to right now bu-" Brian was cut off by someone in the hallway, yelling at him to "Fuck off". Y/n guess he left because he mumbled an "I'm so sorry.", and there were footsteps heard, fading to the distance.

There was another knock, and a few voices on the other side, asking to enter. Y/n let them in. It was Ben. When he saw how bad you looked, he gasped. Ben pulled her into a hug.

"I miss him..., I miss everyone."(As in she misses Hoodie, Tim, and Toby, aswell as Jerebear) She mumbled.

"I know, it's gonna be alright." Ben whispered.

-Time skip, brought to you by my lazy-ass who hasn't updated in 10 days-

 It's been a month, Y/n basically avoids Brian, Tim, and Toby, other than when the're on missions. She had been hanging out with Ben, but he had started to ignore her. She went back to her habits from before, bloodied wrists, and scarred arms. (OoF accidentally made a good book title! I'ma use it!)

-Meanwhile, Closer to the guys' pov-

"I screwed up." All three thought, as the guilt and sadness had been welling up inside them.

-Back to our norm pov-

Tim was outside Y/n's door, thinking of knocking. He knocked.

A muffled voice came from the other side, "Who is it?".

"It's Masky..." Tim said, trailing off, regretting himself.

He heard a scoff, but surprisingly, the door opened. There revealed a messy haired, eye bags having, tear stained cheeks, looking Y/n. she spoke with a rasp, "Come in."

-End of chapter 22-

i'm so sorry XD, I started this chapter a while ago, but didn't get around to update. Sorry for the cliff hanger, and short chapter, especially after being gone for so long!

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter I'll cya next time!


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